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Знайдені матеріали:
ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Conference Abstract202021-гру-2022Impact of Globalization Crises on the Tourism and Hospitality EconomyФедишин, Ірина Богданівна
Monographлис-201926-гру-2019UKRAINIAN LABOR MIGRATION: MAIN TRENDS AND RISKSShchyhelska, Halyna Ostapivna; Kryskov, Andrii Anatoliiovych; Chop, Tamara Oleksandrivna
Monographлис-20209-гру-2020Basic Approaches in the Financial Management of Domestic EnterprisesVynnyk, Tetiana; Konstantiuk, Nataliia
Monograph20225-гру-2022“Marshall plan-2” – expectations and opportunities for Ukraine and the worldVladymyr, Olha; Владимир, Ольга Михайлівна
Article202016-чер-2021Розвиток інтелектуального потенціалу в системній парадигмі менеджменту знаньOstrovska, H. Y.; Maliuta, L. Ya.; Lutsykiv, I. V.; Yasinetska, I.A. ; Sherstiuk, R. P.; Островська, Г. Й.; Малюта, Л. Я.; Шерстюк, Р. П.; Луциків, І. В.; Ясінецька, І. А.
Methodical recommendations201620-чер-2018Guide for term paper accomplishment on the course “Fundamentals of management” for the students majoring in specialism „Management”.Мосій, Ольга Бориславівна
Proceedings Book20214-чер-2021Building the potential of an agricultural enterpriseKorolyuk, T.; Yekimov, S.; Sokoly, I.; Masenko, A.; Grankina, N.
Article202116-чер-2021Методологія оцінювання ефективності центрів надання адміністративних послуг та їх працівників в Україні (на прикладі Тернопільської області)Sorokivska, O.; Kuzhda, T.; Lutsykiv, I.; Сороківська, Олена Анатоліївна; Кужда, Тетяна Іванівна; Луциків, Іванна Василівна
Book201729-чер-2017The problems of theory and practice of managementVladymyr, Olha; Владимир, Ольга Михайлівна
Other18-тра-20176-лип-2017The first ukrainian catholic liturgy celebrated in CanadaShchyhelska, Halyna; Щигельська, Галина Остапівна
Article30-чер-201612-вер-2017Regulators for Adaptive Enterprise DevelopmentMarynenko, Nataliia
Articleкві-202025-тра-2020Innovation financing in the agricuktural sectorBazhanova, Nataliia; Tytarchuk, Iryna; Nehoda, Yuliia; Shaiyhina, Iryna; Horbachova, Oksana; Rybina, Larysa
Handbook201726-чер-2018Handbook for practical classes and self-training in “Organization theory” for students majoring in specialism “Management”.Мосій, Ольга Бориславівна
Article201629-чер-2017Формування відповідального ланцюга поставок: стандартизація процесівФалович, Володимир Андрійович
Course of lectures201825-чер-2018The course of lectures on discipline HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHYChop, Tamara
Conference Abstract29-чер-201814-сер-2018Business activity impact on society, environment and economyMarynenko, Nataliia
Article201717-жов-2017Synthesis of effective components of the mechanism of managing adaptive development of production and economic organizationsМариненко, Наталія Юріївна; Панухник, Олена Віталіївна; Крамар, Ірина Юріївна
Articleсіч-20187-чер-2018Ukraine-India cooperation. Why Ukraine is considered to be an attractive educational platform for Indian students?Kramar, Iryna
Conference Abstract20-бер-202014-чер-2020Introduction of ecological audit for the formation of the regional ecotextile marketBerestetska, Olena
Monograph20205-гру-2020The Ukrainian Investment Market: Reality and ProspectsKhymych, Iryna; Tymoshyk, Nataliia; Podvirna, Tetiana
Course of lecturesвер-201810-лют-2019The course of lectures on discipline FUNDAMENTALS OF LAWShchyhelska, Halyna
Articleтра-201915-лют-2020Financing innovation activity in Ukraine: realities and perspectivesMarynenko, Nataliia; Fedyshyn, Iryna; Garmatiy, Natalia; Kramar, Iryna
Monographсер-201820-жов-2018Increase of the efficiency of companies functioning by means of cluster structures creationRogatynskyi, Roman; Garmatiy, Natalia; Khymych, Iryna
Articleлип-202022-вер-2020Training features of the competency approach for public servantsKonstantiuk, Nataliia; Yekimov, Sergey; Kravchynska, Tetiana; German, Averboukh; Skotarenko, Oksana; Zhulikova, Olga
Article31-жов-201612-вер-2017Enterprise’s structural components analysis under pre-adaptationMarynenko, Nataliia
Learning Object201714-чер-2017The course of lectures of discipline “Organization of manager’s work” for the 3rd year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Луциків, Іванна Василівна
Learning Object201614-чер-2017The course of lectures on discipline “Environmental Management” for the 4th year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Луциків, Іванна Василівна
Book201616-чер-2017Lectures on discipline “Economic forecasting” for the students of the speciality 073 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Kuzhda, Tetiana
Course of lectures201725-чер-2018Course of lectures on “Organization theory”-
Learning Object201614-чер-2017Handbook for practical classes and self-training on discipline “Customer Relationship Management” for the 3rd year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Луциків, Іванна Василівна
Learning Object201614-чер-2017The course of lectures on discipline “Brand management” for the 4th year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Луциків, Іванна Василівна
Learning Object14-лип-201614-лип-2016The course of lectures on discipline LAWКотовська, Ірина Василівна
Learning Object201717-чер-2017The course of lectures and practical cases on discipline “Strategic Management” for the 4th year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors).Котовська, Ірина Василівна
Article201613-чер-2017The principle of the extended responsibility in the formation of multimodal transportation attractivenessФалович, Володимир Андрійович; Крикавський, Євген Васильович
Learning Object201614-чер-2017The course of lectures on discipline “Customer Relationship Management” for the 3rd year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Луциків, Іванна Василівна
Book201716-чер-2017Guide to writing master’s research paper, for the students majoring in 8.03060101 “Management of organizations and administration”Mosiy, Olha; Kotovs’ka, Iryna; Kuzhda, Tetiana
Other201616-чер-2017Practice guidelines and tasks on discipline “Managerial decision modeling” for the students of the speciality 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Kuzhda, Tetiana
-201616-чер-2017Lectures on discipline “Managerial decision modeling” for the students of the speciality 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors).Kuzhda, Tetiana
Articleтра-201721-чер-2017The transition from financing expenses to financing the results - the strategic direction of higher education reform in UkraineКонстантюк, Наталія; Баб'як, Жанна
Learning Object201717-чер-2017The course of lectures and handbook for practical classes on discipline “Human Resource Management” for the 3rd year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Котовська, Ірина Василівна
Handbook201724-чер-2018Guide on internship for full-time study bachelors majoring in specialism “Management”Мосій, Ольга Бориславівна
Article201721-чер-2017Higher Education as Important Investment project for State and Local LevelsKonstantiuk, Nataliia
Monograph202010-гру-2020Innovative Approaches to Curricula Modernisation for Master’s Degree on the Fablab PlatformVitenko, Tetiana; Marynenko, Nataliia; Lazaryuk, Valeriy; Shanaida, Volodymyr
Article201714-тра-2018Prerequisites and Prospects for Creation of Mutually Benefitial Trade Cooperation between Ukraine and IndiaMarkovych, Iryna; Bazhanova, Nataliia
Article201714-тра-2018Development of a mechanism of strengthening the competitive position of domestic enterprises and institutional formations in global economies convergence conditionsMarkovych, Iryna
Article1-лис-20175-гру-2017Experimental research of power parameters of the process of forming a shelf on screw blankГевко, Іван Богданович; Гупка, Андрій Богданович; Круглик, Олександр Іванович
Articleсіч-202130-січ-2021Analysis and modelling of value added tax revenues on imports: Some issues of application in UkraineVovk, Iryna; Вовк, Ірина Петрівна; Luchko, Mykhailo; Drozd, Iryna; Plutytska, Kateryna; Ruska, Ruslana
Book1-лют-201730-тра-2017Innovation ManagementSherstiuk, Roman; Melnyk, Liliia; Мельник, Лілія Миколаївна
-5-тра-20165-тра-2016New Regional Structural Policy of Ukraine in Terms of EU IntegrationПанухник, Олена Віталіївна; Panukhnik, Olena
Articleгру-20198-сер-2020Development of IT outsourcing in Ukraine: a prospect of the brain drain reductionMarynenko, Nataliia; Tsikh, Halyna; Kramar, Iryna
Article201723-тра-2017Conceptualizing Functional Distribution of Authority to Regulation Social, Ecological, and Economic Development of Micro-RegionsPANUKHNYK, Olena
Article23-чер-201623-чер-2016Mainstreaming of information and communication technologies’ application as precondition for successful implementation of ukrainian micro-regions public projects: scientific approachПанухник, Олена Віталіївна
Methodical recommendations20-лют-201830-тра-2018Guidelines for coursework implementation from the discipline «Problems of theory and practice of management» (for the foreign students of speciality 073 “Management”)Федишин, Ірина Богданівна
Learning Object20-лют-201830-тра-2018Problems of theory and practice of management (supporting lecture notes for students of direction 073 "Management" of all forms of education)Федишин, Ірина Богданівна
Learning Object13-лип-201613-лип-2016Brand ManagementКотовська, Ірина Василівна; Kotovs'ka, Iryna
Course of lectures201819-лют-2018The course of lectures on discipline “History of management” for the 1st year students of the specialty 073 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Lutsykiv, Ivanna
Articleтра-202029-чер-2020Economic dimension of digitization in rural areasKramar, Iryna; Marynenko, Nataliia; Mischuk, Oksana; Bukhta, Viktoria; Sherstiuk, Roman
Monograph201911-січ-2020Brand Loyalty as a Tool of Reduction the Negative Business RisksMarkovych, Iryna
Proceedings Book25-лис-202023-гру-2020Directions for improving the innovation of agricultural enterprisesAbdulhameed, Sadiq Abubakar; Vladymyr, Olha
Articleтра-202122-чер-2021Models of evaluating the impact of changes technological and industrial areas in enterprise developmentSherstiuk, Roman; Malevski, Eduard; Marynenko, Nataliia; Pavlykivska, Olha; Melnyk, Liliya
Monographжов-201915-гру-2019Environmental taxation and its financial impact on the development of territoriesMarynenko, Nataliia; Kramar, Iryna
Methodical recommendations201819-лют-2018Handbook for practical classes and self-training on discipline “Organization of manager’s work” for the 3rd year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Lutsykiv, Ivanna
Handbook201819-лют-2018The course of lectures and practical cases on discipline “Customer Relationship Management” for the 3rd year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Lutsykiv, Ivanna
Conference Abstractлис-201915-гру-2019UKRAINE’S IT OUTSOURCING COMPANIES PERFORMANCEMarynenko, Nataliia; Chaika, Yuliia
Monograph201921-лис-2019Financial decentralization of united territorial communities in Ukraine (Decentralizacja finansów zjednoczonych wspólnot terytorialnych na Ukrainie)Podvirna, Tetiana; Tymoshyk, Nataliia; Khymych, Iryna
Articleлип-201925-лис-2019Main Aspects of Education Internationalization: Case of Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, UkraineYasniy, Petro; Vitenko, Tetiana; Kramar, Iryna
Proceedings Book29-чер-201814-сер-2018Tax revenues in the EU and Ukraine: structure and main trendsMarynenko, Nataliia
Methodical recommendations201811-вер-2018Handbook for practical classes and self-training on discipline “Brand management” for the 4thyear students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)Lutsykiv, Ivanna
Conference Abstractлют-20187-чер-2018Business or ecology: which comes first today?Kramar, Iryna
Monograph201931-тра-2020Органічне сільськогосподарське виробництво в Україні:сучасний стан та перспективи розвиткуArtemenko, Liudmyla Borysivna; Nagornjk, Iryna Stepanivna
Course of lectures27-чер-20182-лип-2018Конспект лекцій з дисципліни «Методи прийняття управлінських рішень» для студентів денної форми навчання спеціальності 073 «Менеджмент»Шведа, Наталія Михайлівна
Article28-лют-201917-чер-2019Processes of managing information infrastructure of a digital enterprise in the framework of the «Industry 4.0» conceptAndriushchenko, Kateryna; Rudyk, Volodymyr; Riabchenko, Olena; Kachynska, Maryana; Shergina, Lidiya; Kovtun, Vita; Tepliuk, Mariia; Zhemba, Alla; Kuchai, Oksana
Article201917-чер-2019Strategic programs of international cooperation of the western region of Ukraine for 2018-2020Marynenko, Nataliia; Kramar, Iryna; Podvirna, Tetiana
Articleсер-202112-вер-2021Financial market during pandemic: a banking sectorKhymych, Iryna; Tymoshyk, Nataliia
Article201917-чер-2019Taxation trends, rankings and perspectives for UkraineMarynenko, Nataliia; Kramar, Iryna; Podvirna, Tetiana; Khrupovych, Svitlana
Articleжов-201915-гру-2019Development of Model for Assessing the Level of Multipurpose Water Use and Protection by Economic-Mathematical ModelingRohatynskyi, Roman; Garmatiy, Natalia; Humeniuk, Halyna; Marynenko, Nataliia
Course of lectures201620-чер-2018Course of lectures on “Fundamentals of management”Мосій, Ольга Бориславівна
Article20194-січ-2022Features of licensing in the activities of higher education institutionsПанухник, Олена; Попадинець, Назарій; Журавель, Юлія
Proceedings Book201915-гру-2019Risk identification, estimation and management as a tool to improve the competitiveness of the enterpriseSpivak, Serhii; Korolyuk, Tetyana; Mazurenok, Oksana
-лис-20207-лют-2021The Need of “Y” and “Z” Generations Soft Skills Development in Higher Education as a Requirement of the Modern Job MarketMalynych, Hanna; Slyvka, Oksana; Sokol, Mariana
Methodical recommendations20205-лип-2020Methodical instructions for coursework implementation from the discipline “Problems of theory and practice of management” (for foreign students of speciality 073 “Management”)Федишин, Ірина Богданівна
Article20194-січ-2022The system of maintaining the quality of education through public regulation of activity of higher education institutionsПанухник, Олена; Попадинець, Назарій; Журавель, Юлія
Conference Abstract18-лют-202130-тра-2021Introduction of technology of self-assessment of the corporation’s personnelYuryk, Nataiia; Sonnah, Kabba
Proceedings Book202114-чер-2021Competitiveness of hotel and restaurant business enterprisesMarkovych, Iryna; Bazhanova, Nataliia
Monograph201918-чер-2019Transport and road complex logistics management in the context of financial and economic securityMarynenko, Nataliia; Vivchar, Oksana
Article20188-тра-2019Strategic programs of international cooperation of the western region of Ukraine for 2018-2020Подвірна, Тетяна Володимирівна; Крамар, Ірина Юріївна; Мариненко, Наталія Юріївна
Article20188-тра-2019Taxation trends, rankings and perspectives for UkraineПодвірна, Тетяна Володимирівна; Мариненко, Наталія Юріївна; Крамар, Ірина Юріївна; Хрупович, Світлана Євгенівна
Monograph201924-гру-2019Gospodarka i społeczeństwo w europejskiej perspektywie : monografia.Podvirna, Tetiana; Tymoshyk, Nataliia; Khymych, Iryna
Article26-чер-201924-гру-2019River transport in the spatial-functional restructuring economy of UkraineKRYKAVSKYY, Yevhen; SHANDRIVSKA, Olena; YAKYMYSHYN, Lilia
Conference Abstract27-чер-201924-гру-2019Institutional and innovative factors of intellectualization as the basis of competitiveness of the national economy of Ukraine in the conditions of global informatizationLykholat, Svitlana; Krykavskyy, Yevhen; Vasyltsiv, Taras; Yakymyshyn, Liliya
Conference Abstract20206-гру-2020State tax system - incentive or restrictor of economic activity?Markovych, Iryna
Course of lectures20175-гру-2017Management of innovation projects (supporting lecture notes for students of specialization "Management of innovative activity")Федишин, Ірина Богданівна
Monograph20206-гру-2020Concepts and dimensions of cultural distance as a tool of international economic regulationMarkovych, Iryna
Conference Abstract27-чер-201924-гру-2019Transformation of institutional infrastructure in the context of power decentralization reformHlynskyy, Nazar; Krykavskyy, Yevhen; Falovych, Volodymyr; Yakymyshyn, Liliia
Article20173-тра-2018Chances for Ukrainian microregions to enter the Global Village: problems, challenges, and risks of advanceПанухник, Олена Віталіївна; Федотова, Яна Геннадіївна
Articleгру-20215-січ-2022Influence of military actions in the Eastern Ukraine on formation of value orientations of student youthПотіха, Оксана Богданівна
Articleгру-201913-січ-2020SEASONAL AND SPATIAL VARIATION OF PM10 IN AN URBAN AREA FROM ROMANIADragomir Balanica, Mariana Carmelia; Muntenita, Cristian; Simionescu, Aurel Gabriel; Zeca, Daniela Ecaterina; Kramar, Iryna; Marynenko, Nataliia
-25-чер-201525-чер-2015Analysis of Models for University FundingБаб’як, Жанна Володимирівна; Константюк, Наталія Іванівна
Результати 1-100 зі 181 (час пошуку: 0.003 секунди).