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Результати 1-100 зі 149 (час пошуку: 0.002 секунди).
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ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Conference Abstract2-гру-202130-гру-2021Smart contractKovalchyk, M.
Conference Abstract25-лют-202127-кві-2021Europäischer integrationsprozess der literarischen tätigkeit von Lesya UkrainkaТichomirova, Ludmila
Conference Abstract14-жов-202029-гру-2020Education in Ethiopia: an overviewМороз, Людмила; Moroz, Liudmyla
Conference Abstract20-тра-202123-чер-2021Multivariate analysis of water quality data for water securityMitchenko, T.; Vasyliuk, S.; Driker, Yu.; Maletskyi, Z.
Proceedings Bookчер-202116-чер-2021Determining stress intensity factors of mode I for the crack in rectangular cross-section of thin-walled beamPidgurskyi, Mykola; Stashkiv, Mykola; Pidgurskyi, Ivan
Conference Abstract2-гру-202130-гру-2021Machine learning in finance on the example of asia optionsKovalchyk, I.
Conference Abstract28-кві-202216-чер-2022The revolution of dignity as an antithesis of russification in the cultural aspect of nowadaysПровальна, Ю.; Щигельська, Г. О.; Provalna, Y.; Shchyhelska, H. O.
Conference Abstract10-лис-20225-гру-2022Using of 3d modeling for investigation of the structure of hardfacing materials developed with fcaw using of powder electrodes with reaction mixture FE-MO-B-CIvanov, O.; Prysyazhnyuk; Kramar, H.; Marynenko, S.; Koval, I.; Huryk, O.
Conference Abstract10-лис-20225-гру-2022The concept of improvement high-strength aluminum alloys fsw joint properties via post-weld explosive treatmentKosturek, R.
Conference Abstract14-жов-202029-гру-2020The role of information technology for education during the coronavirus pandemicГупка, Василь; Йонда, Пулулу Герітіер; Gupka, Vasyl; Heritier, Pululu Yonda
Conference Abstract28-кві-202216-чер-2022Use of ProCast computer system in foundry processes of investment castingОмосебі, Шадрак Ореофе; Данильченко, Лариса Миколаївна; Shadrack, Omosebi Oreofe; Danylchenko, L. M.
Conference Abstract10-лис-20225-гру-2022Remaining life of TI-6AL-4V ELI HIP IMPLANT WITH A CRACKSedmak, A.; Smoljanic, T.; Milovanovic, A.
Conference Abstract10-лис-20225-гру-2022On the relationship between microstructure, mechanical properties and hydrogen embrittlement of pipe steelsZvirko, O.; Dzioba, I.; Lipiec, S.; Tsyrulnyk; Venhryniuk, O.
Conference Abstract10-лис-20225-гру-2022Analysis of electrically permeable cracks on the interface between two one-dimensional piezoelectric quasicrystalsLapusta, Yu.; Chapelle, F.; Sheveleva, A.; Loboda, V.
Conference Abstract10-лис-20225-гру-2022Application of machine learning methods for predicting the mechanical behavior of dispersion-strengthened composite materialBabudzhan, R.; Vodka, O.; Shapovalova, M.
Conference Abstract14-жов-202029-гру-2020Improvement of the engineering education according to the global needsЯсній, Володимир Петрович; Луцик, Надія; Мещерякова, Ольга; Iasnii, Volodymyr; Lutsyk, Nadia; Meshcheryakova, Olga
Conference Abstract25-лют-202127-кві-2021Psychology of happiness through the prism of Lesya Ukrainka's personal life and creative heritageKiloshenko, Olena; Fedko, Victoria
Proceedings Bookчер-202219-чер-2022Global war threats to sustainable developmentKramar, Iryna
Monographлис-20204-гру-2020Economics, Business and Security: Review of RelationsZagorodna, Nataliya; Kramar, Iryna
Conference Abstract6-гру-20229-січ-2023The nobel model of overcoming poverty and its implementation in modern world trendsБазюта, Х.; Bazyuta, Kh.
Conference Abstract5-лис-202117-гру-2021Intelligent human resource management in the future competition of enterprisesRong, Mao; Kharchenko, Tetyana
Conference Abstract2-гру-202130-гру-2021Perspectives using chatbots for logistics in UkraineПрохоренко, А.; Лапига, І.; Prochorenko, A.; Lapyga, I.
Conference Abstract22-кві-202120-тра-2021Art representation of the injuries of the past: the Chernobyl disasterЧоп, Т.; Chop, T.
Conference Abstract22-кві-202120-тра-2021The impact of military conflict on soldier’s personalityGrizhev, A.
Conference Abstract22-кві-202120-тра-2021Comprehending hybrid threats and hybrid warfare: the hybridity blizzard modelWeissmann, M.; Nilsson, N.; Palmertz, B.
Methodical recommendations20205-лип-2020Methodical instructions for independent work from the discipline «Methodology and organization of scientific researches» (for foreign students of speciality 073 “Management”)Федишин, Ірина Богданівна
Conference Abstract14-тра-20203-чер-2020Enhanced wear resistance of 18HGT steel by plasma thermocycling nitriding treatmentДолгов, Н. А.; Рутковський, А. В.; Dolgov, N.; Rutkovsky, A.
Conference Abstract14-тра-20203-чер-2020Features of forming the structure and properties of high-porous carbon-carbon composite materialsKarpenko, A. V.
Conference Abstract14-тра-20203-чер-2020Discrete–time controller design for Pitch channelOmeiza, Lukman Ahmed; Tijjani, Salawudeen Ahmed; Daniel, Aikhonmu Oseyemen
Conference Abstract14-тра-20203-чер-2020Compacting carbon composites by products pyrolysis of natural gas in the termochemical flow-type reactorsSkachkov, V.; Karpenko, A.; Balbekova, B.
Conference Abstract14-жов-202029-гру-2020Modern trends and needs in education systemЛуциків, Іванна Василівна; Адабох, Менсах Джошуа; Lutsykiv, Ivanna; Adaboh, Mensah Joshua
Conference Abstract24-лис-202118-гру-2021Use of computer vision technology to simplify character animationСаламандра, В. І.; Готович, Володимир Анатолійович; Salamandra, V. I.; Hotovych, V. A.
Conference Abstract22-кві-202120-тра-2021The history of the ghost towns: the Chornobyl exclusion zoneЩигельська, Г.; Грицишин, В. С.; Shchyhelska, H.; Hrytsyshyn, V.
Conference Abstract22-кві-202120-тра-2021Bhopal gas disaster: history and lessonsДжадав, Х.; Щигельська, Г.; Jadav, H.; Shchyhelska, H.
Conference Abstract22-кві-202120-тра-2021The Chornobyl disasterin the cultural and historical discourseЩигельська, Г.; Shchyhelska, H.
Conference Abstract22-кві-202120-тра-2021The homeland war in Croatia – partial destruction of the peruca hydroelectrik power plant (1993)Bralić, A.
Conference Abstract22-кві-202120-тра-2021Environmental risks for reserved territories in the zone of military actionПобережний, Л.; Біленко, О.; Слободянюк, Т.; Poberezhny, L.; Bilenko, O.; Slobodianiuk, T.
Conference Abstract22-кві-202120-тра-2021Ekonomic consequences of armed conflict in the East of Ukraine: some aspectsМариненко, Н.; Marynenko, N.
Conference Abstract22-кві-202120-тра-2021Military action in Eastern Ukraine - environmental consequencesПобережна, Л.; Романів, Р.; Бондарчук, Т.; Poberezhna, L.; Romaniv, R.; Bondarchuk, T.
Conference Abstract22-кві-202120-тра-2021Main technogenic and environmental risks in the area of the joint force operationПобережний, Л.; Станецький, А.; Мархалевич, В.; Poberezhny, L.; Stanetsky, A.; Markhalevych, V.
Conference Abstract7-гру-202219-січ-2023Data quality management in ETL process under resource constraintsКашосі, А.; Кишкевич, О.; Загородна, Наталія; Kashosi, A.; Kyshkevych, O.; Zagorodna, N.
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Using a broadband signal based on m-sequence for automatic preventing of acoustic resonance in high pressure discharge lampsMedvid, Volodymyr; Beliakova, Iryna; Piscio, Vadim
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Computer modeling of the stress stress-strain state of thin thin-walled tubular structural elements for predicting the limiting stateKozbur, Halyna; Shkodzinsky, Oleh; Kozbur, Ihor; Nadiia, Gashchyn
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021The methods of biosignals processing and their implementation in the structure of the system of impaired human communicative function compensationDozorska, Oksana; Dozorskyi, Vasil; Yavorska, Evhenia; Kapatsila, Yuriy; Pankiv, Iryna; Kubashok, Andriy
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Analysis of the complexity of algorithms for finding the coefficients of the mathematical model of lowintensity electroretinosignalTymkiv, Pavlo
Conference Abstract21-кві-202226-тра-2022Longterm consequences of new phase of Russia’s war in UkraineProvalna, Y.; Shchyhelska, H.
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Electromagnetic interferences in transistor converters and methods of interferences mitigationGurin, Viktor K.; Pavlovskyi, Volodymyr O.; Yurchenko, Oleg M.; Senko, Vitaliy I.
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Model of motion route of unmanned aerial vehicles operations with obstacles avoidanceRomaniuk, Leonid; Chykhira, Ihor; Tulaidan, Halyna; Mykytyshyn, Andriy
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Mathematical modeling of high-frequency magamp switch B-H characteristicYaskiv, Anna; Smedley, Keyue; Abramovitz, Alexander; Yaskiv, Volodymyr; Kasatkina, Natalia
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021The process of shell formation and optimization by the criterion of accuracy of their geometric shapeDubynyak, Taras; Kruhlov, Volodymyr; Dzhydzhora, Roman; Oleksandra, Manziy; Stanislav, Andreichuk
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Substantiation of design parameters of bernoulli grippers with automated control of the sizes of objects of manipulationSavkiv, Volodymyr; Mykhailyshyn, Roman; Duchon, Frantisek; Kelemen, Michal
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Features of the enameled wires insulation diagnosing by voltageVakulenko, Oleksandr; Sysak, Ivan; Babiuk, Serhii; Bunko, Vasyl
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Light pulsed irradiation in growing seedlingsKotyk, Mariia; Andriychuk, Volodymyr; Spanik, Pavol; Kostyk, Liubov; Potalitcyn, Sergiy
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Kinetics of leds white lighting under pulse power supplyAndriichuk, Volodimir; Nakonechyi, Myroslav; Filiuk, Yaroslav; Osadtsa, Yaroslav; Xinzhong, Gao
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Mechatronic approach to the design of a triaxial antenna with backlash minimization by the control systemPalamar, Mykhaylo; Bezrukovs, Vladislavs; Nakonechny, Yuriy; Palamar, Andriy; Strembicky, Mykhailo; Pasternak, Yuriy
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021The coronavirus disease COVID-19 Spreadi ng prediction in Ukraine by means of microsoft ExcelPalaniza, Yuri; Shadrina, Halyna; Khvostivskyy, Mykola
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Contents-
Conference Abstract21-кві-202226-тра-2022Risks and long-term effects of chemical disasters: Bhopal and COVID-19Джадав, Х.; Щигельська, Г.; Jadav, H.; Shchyhelska, H.
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Use of computer computer-integrated technologies in training of engineering speciali specialistsVasylkiv, Vasyl; Pylypets, Myhajlo; Danylchenko, Larysa; Radyk, Dmytro
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Classification of rolled metal defects using residual neural networksKonovalenko, Ihor; Maruschak, Pavlo; Mosiy, Lyubomyr; Duchon, Frantisek; Kelemen, Michal
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Theoretical and experimental aspects of optimal designing of dynamic vibration absorbers – rotating machines systemCherchyk, Hennadiy; Diveyev, Bohdan; Yuzefovych, Roman
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Approach to gas consumption process forecasting on the basis of a mathematical model in the form of a random cyclic processLupenko, Serhii; Lytvynenko, Iaroslav; Nazarevych, Oleg; Shymchuk, Grigorii; Hotovych, Volodymyr
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Modeling of thermal process parameters in the ionosphere during the decline phase of solar activity CYCLEKolodyazhnyi, Vyacheslav; Lyashenko, Mykhaylo
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Ensuring high high-precision testing of implants in the regulation of intra intra-eye pressureTkachuk, Roman; Tkachuk, Andriy; Stadnik, Diana; Yanenko, Oleksiy
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Method of detecting radio signals with phase modulation in a mixture with noiseDunets, Vasyl; Martsenyuk, Anatoly; Kamchatna-Stepanova, Kateryna; Andreichuk, Bohdan
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Computer tool for generating of test radio signals for verification of the radio computer systems softwareKhvostivska, Liliya; Dediv, Iryna; Khvostivskyy, Mykola; Dediv, Leonid
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Analysis of two section resonant voltage converter for matrix led light source driversLupenko, Anatolii; Sysak, Ivan; Frivaldsky, Michal; Chomko, Taras
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Measuring device for photovoltaic modules electrical characteristics testingKoval, Vadym; Orobchuk, Bogdan; Kuzemko, Nataliia; Lijin, Gao
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Alphabetical index-
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Publishing page-
Conference Abstractкві-20232-чер-2023Methods of Jump-like creep modeling of AMg6 alluminum alloyO. Yasniy; I. Pasternak; I. Didych; S. Fedak; D. Tymoshchuk
Conference Abstract22-вер-202219-жов-2022Vertical farming: an important step towards the green cities of the futureГрицай, Лілія; Hrytsai, Liliia
Conference Abstract19-тра-202313-чер-2023Reserve and its evaluation in the accounting system: a comParison of ukrainian and polish practicesKundeus, Oleksandr; Zarudna, Nataliia
Conference Abstract28-кві-202112-гру-2021Introduction of advanced technology in the processes of cutting tools manufacturingТаное, Езекіль; Tanoe, Ezekiel
Conference Abstract28-кві-202112-гру-2021Heart rate variability analysis toolkit for further analysis of human stresKashosi, Aser; Nazarevych, T.
Conference Abstract28-кві-202112-гру-2021Investigation of modern additive technologies of foundry equipment manufacturingОмосебі, Шадрак Ореофе; Shadrack, Omosebi Oreofe
Conference Abstract28-кві-202112-гру-2021Curd product with whey protein hydrolysateСлимак, М.; Slymak, M.
Conference Abstract29-вер-202225-жов-2022Environmental impact of increased waste duringthe COVID-19 pandemicBałdowska-Witos, Patrycja; Shchur, Taras; Gabriel, Yuriy
Proceedings Book15-гру-202116-гру-2021Proceedings of International Conference „Advanced Applied Energy and Information Technologies“-
Conference Abstract22-вер-202219-жов-2022Pastry of health directionКарпик, Галина Вікторівна; Степанко, І. І.; Karpyk, H.; Stepanko, I.
Conference Abstract31-бер-202319-кві-2023The role of service sector in global value chainsМиценко, Валерій; Mytsenko, Valerii
Conference Abstract20-кві-202314-тра-2023Facing the concenquences of war and reforming the state. Croatian experience in post war recovery and integration into the EUГрубішин, Майя Цвітан; Grubišin, Maja Cvitan
Conference Abstract27-кві-202310-чер-2023Ways of increasing the efficiency of foundry processes in small-scale productionЧуквуемека, Оджі Джошуа; Chukwuemeka, Oji Joshua
Conference Abstract20-кві-202314-тра-2023Information environment formation in line with target audiences’ vulnerabilitiesІжутова, І.; Шубін, В.; Izhutova, I.; Shubin, V.
Conference Abstract20-кві-202314-тра-2023The potential of using roller compacted concrete technology in local road constructionPrzybylski, P.
Conference Abstract20-кві-202314-тра-2023Formation of safety culture in educational institutions of UkraineЩигельська, Галина Остапівна; Джадав, Х.; Боднар, В.; Shchyhelska, H.; Jadav, H.; Bodnar, V.
Conference Abstract20-кві-202314-тра-2023Military conflicts and their long-lasting psychological impacts on humanityБаб’як, Жанна Володимирівна; Боднар, О.; Плавуцька, Ірина Ростиславівна; Babiak, Zh. V.; Bodnar, O.; Plavutska, I.
Conference Abstract27-кві-202310-чер-2023The importance of the english language in logisticsDziubanovska, L.
Conference Abstract27-кві-202310-чер-2023Telematic sensors in road transport: development prospectsВовк, Я.; Vovk, Ya.
Conference Abstract27-кві-202310-чер-2023The future of work: how automation and AI are changing the workforceJhelizniak, D.
Conference Abstract27-кві-202310-чер-2023Suicide drones, their capabilities and functionalityСолтис, М.; Soltys, M.
Conference Abstract1-чер-202213-лип-2022Global war threats to sustainable developmentКрамар, Ірина Юріївна; Kramar, Iryna
Conference Abstract28-кві-202112-гру-2021Investigation of 3D technologies in casting technology manufacturingСрінівасан, Дхарані Дхаран; Dharan, Srinivasan Dharani
Conference Abstract23-лис-202228-гру-2022Digital technologies in human resource managementСороківська, Олена Анатоліївна; Тунде, Адейемо Азеез; Паул, Комолафе Джордж; Sorokivska, Olena; Tunde, Adeyemo Azeez; Paul, Komolafe Gerge
Conference Abstract7-гру-202215-лют-2023Datafication: the problem beneath the surfaceNaida, A. O.; Moroz, L. B.
Conference Abstract1-гру-202228-гру-2022Evolution of artificial intelligence paintingДжадав, Х.; Щигельська, Галина Остапівна; Jadav, H.; Shchyhelska, H.
Conference Abstract23-лис-202228-гру-2022Industry 4.0, or why to digitize production processesБакалюк, Оксана; Редьква, Оксана Зіновіївна; Bakalyuk, Oksana; Redkva, Oksana
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021Comparative analysis of computer systems for casting processes simulationDanylchenko, Larysa
Conference Abstract15-гру-202128-гру-2021The increasing of photovoltaic power supply system efficiency for the mobile unit of polymer waste processing into an alternative type of fuelMartynyuk, Valeriy; Fedula, Mykola; Makaryshkin, Denys; Kałaczyński, Tomasz
Результати 1-100 зі 149 (час пошуку: 0.002 секунди).