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Titre: Розроблення проекту дільниці механічного цеху для виготовлення корпуса ЦФ 8.171.137 з дослідженням впливу геометричних параметрів різального інструменту на силові параметри різання
Autre(s) titre(s): Design development of machine shop area for the case TSF-8.171.137 manufacture including the study of cutting tool geometrical parameters influence on cutting force parameters
Auteur(s): Духаір, Юсіф
Duhair, Yousif
Affiliation: ТНТУ ім. І.Пулюя, ФМТ, м. Тернопіль, Україна Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Духаір Ю. Розроблення проекту дільниці механічного цеху для виготовлення корпуса ЦФ 8.171.137 з дослідженням впливу геометричних параметрів різального інструменту на силові параметри різання: дипломна робота магістра за спеціальністю “131 - прикладна механіка” / Ю. Духаір. – Тернопіль: ТНТУ, 2019. – 165 с.
Date de publication: déc-2019
Submitted date: déc-2019
Date of entry: 4-mar-2020
Editeur: ТНТУ ім. І.Пулюя, ФМТ, м. Тернопіль, Україна
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Тернопіль
Supervisor: Данильченко, Лариса Миколаївна
Committee members: Луців, Ігор Володимирович
UDC: 621.9
Mots-clés: 131
прикладна механіка
shop area
machine tool
Résumé: The thesis develops the design of machine shop area for manufacturing the case and researching the impact of cutting tool geometrical parameters on cutting force components and tool life
Content: CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1. ANALYTIC CHAPTER 1.1. Service purpose and characteristics of the object of production. 1.2. Analysis of technical requirements for the part. 1.3. Analysis of the technological design of the part. 1.4. Analysis of the basic technological process. 1.5. Conclusions and problem statement for the diploma project. 2. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CHAPTER 2.1. Characterization of the cutting tool geometry. 2.2. Setting up the experimental criterias, technical and cutting conditions. 2.3. Research the experimental results of cutting-edge preparation and cutting-edge radius influences on tool life and cutting forces. 2.4. Research of edge treatment influence on total force load and component of cutting force Fz. 3. TECHNOLOGICAL CHAPTER 3.1. Characteristics of the type and organizational form of production. 3.2. Choice and justification of workpiece's obtaining method. 3.3. Requirements for the workpiece. Calculation of the workpiece. 3.4. Calculations of leakage to the surface of the part in an analytical way. 3.5. Development of routing technological process of mechanical processing of the body of TSF 8.171.137. 3.6. Methods of providing technological requirements in the processing of parts. 3.7. Description of the route process for operations. 3.8. Development of operational process. 3.8.1. Description of the trajectories of the motion of the cutting tool on the operations performed on CNC machines. 3.8.2. Selection of cutting and normalization of operations of the technological process. Calculations of cutting and normalization modes of turning-threading operation 015. Calculations of cutting and normalization modes of vertical milling operation 025. Calculation of the cutting and normalization modes of coordinate-boring operation 045 with CNC. 3.9. Determination of errors of the base of the workpiece. 3.10. Calculations of the forces of fastening the workpiece. 3.11. Calculate the parts for durability. 4. DESIGNING CHAPTER 4.1. The choice of equipment, equipment and bases for the design version of the case. 4.2. Design of machine tool adaptation. 4.2.1. Description of the design and principle of the selected devices. 4.2.2. Assembly and operation of the device. 4.2.3. Choice and calculation of power drive. 4.3. Design of cutting and measuring tools. 4.3.1. Design of cutting tool. 4.3.2. Calculations of the measuring instrument. 4.4. Means of increasing the technological indicators of coordinate-boring operation 045 with CNC. 5. SPECIAL CHAPTER 5.1. Subsystems of optimization in CAD. 5.2. Review of the most common CAD of world manufacturers. 5.3. Methods of designing technological processes for manufacturing parts using the package of applied programs "CCI CAD". 5.3.1. Preparing the source information. 5.3.2. Block diagram of the algorithm for automated design of the process of manufacturing the case. 5.4. Analysis of the technological process, obtained with the help of CAD of the TP. 6. PLANNING CHAPTER 6.1. Determination of annual needs in technological equipment. Build summary hardware. 6.2. Selection of the type and calculation of the number of lifting and transport vehicles. 6.3. Calculation of the number of industrial and production personnel. 6.3.1. Monthly time fund estimates. 6.3.2. Calculations of the number of production workers. 6.3.3. Settlements of the number of auxiliary workers. 6.3.4. Calculations of the number of engineering workers and junior service staff. 6.4. Calculation of necessary production area and construction of site planning scheme. 7. ECONOMIC BACKGROUND 7.1. Determination of the technological cost of manufacturing the case. 7.1.1. Feasibility study of the method of obtaining the workpiece. 7.1.2. Determination of the wage fund of production workers and the magnitude of their average monthly earnings. 7.1.3. Overhead billing. Calculation of total production costs. Calculation of administrative expenses. Calculations of sales expenses. 7.1.4. Calculations of full cost and price details. 7.2. Determination of economic efficiency of the design variant of the technological process of manufacturing the case with CNC machines. 7.2.1. Determination of output data for economical comparison of the basic and project variants of technology. 7.2.2. Determination of capital investments in comparable variants. 7.2.3. Determination of technological cost of annual production of parts in comparable variants. 7.3. Basic technical and economic indicators of the site. 7.4. Substantiation of economic efficiency of the developed technological process. 8. HEALTH AND SAFETY MEASURES 8.1. Organization of labor protection at work. 8.2. Dangerous production factors at the site and measures to reduce them. 8.3. Analysis of harmful production factors at the site and measures to eliminate them. 9. ECOLOGY 9.1. The relevance of environment protection. 9.2. Environmental pollution resulting from project implementation. 9.3. Measures to reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases, protect the environment and reduce environmental pollution. CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES APPENDICES
Copyright owner: © Духаір Юсіф, 2019
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Content type: Master Thesis
Collection(s) :131 — прикладна механіка

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