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Titel: Substantiation of design parameters of bernoulli grippers with automated control of the sizes of objects of manipulation
Autor(en): Savkiv, Volodymyr
Mykhailyshyn, Roman
Duchon, Frantisek
Kelemen, Michal
Affiliation: Ternopil National Ivan Puluj Technical University, Rus’ka str. 56, 46001, Ternopil, Ukraine
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Ilkovičova 3, SK-812 19, Bratislava; Slovak Republic
Technical University of Kosice, Letna 9, 04200, Kosice, Slovak Republic
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Substantiation of design parameters of bernoulli grippers with automated control of the sizes of objects of manipulation / Volodymyr Savkiv, Roman Mykhailyshyn, Frantisek Duchon, Michal Kelemen // ICAAEIT 2021, 15-17 December 2021. — Tern. : TNTU, Zhytomyr «Publishing house „Book-Druk“» LLC, 2021. — P. 46–52. — (Electrical engineering and power electronics).
Bibliographic description (International): Savkiv V., Mykhailyshyn R., Duchon F., Kelemen M. (2021) Substantiation of design parameters of bernoulli grippers with automated control of the sizes of objects of manipulation. ICAAEIT 2021 (Tern., 15-17 December 2021), pp. 46-52.
Is part of: Proceedings of the International Conference „Advanced applied energy and information technologies 2021”, 2021
Erscheinungsdatum: 15-Dez-2021
Date of entry: 28-Dez-2021
Herausgeber: TNTU, Zhytomyr «Publishing house „Book-Druk“» LLC
Place of the edition/event: Ternopil
Temporal Coverage: 15-17 December 2021
Stichwörter: Bernoulli gripping device
object manipulation
air gaging
industrial robot
SST-model of turbulence
Number of pages: 7
Page range: 46-52
Start page: 46
End page: 52
Zusammenfassung: The advantages of using jet gripping devices with integrated function of size control of objects of manipulation in robotic systems are substantiated. Rational designs of gripping devices are proposed, which allow to measure the diameter of the object held by them, their design parameters are substantiated. The interaction of air flows flowing from the annular nozzle and measuring ejector nozzles in the gap between the outer surface of the jet gripper and the inner surface of the object of manipulation is carried out. Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations of viscous gas dynamics, SST-model of turbulence and γ-model of laminar-turbulent transition were used for this purpose. As a result of numerical simulation in the Ansys-CFX software environment, the influence of the spatial location of the measuring nozzles on the load capacity of the jet gripper, the range and accuracy of measuring the diameters of manipulation objects was determined.
ISBN: 978-617-8079-60-4
Copyright owner: © Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ukraine, 2021
URL for reference material:
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Content type: Conference Abstract
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:International conference „Advanced Applied Energy and Information Technologies 2021“, (ICAAEIT 2021)

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