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dc.contributor.authorSane, Anjali
dc.contributor.authorBiradar, Jivan
dc.identifier.citationSane A. How far is indian society from digital payment system? / Sane Anjali, Biradar Jivan // Increasing the financial and economic potential of the subjects of economic relations as a basis for the progressive development of territorial and economic systems: monograph. — Tern. : FOP Palyanytsya V.A., 2021. — P. 73–78. — (Prerequisites and features of the transformation of relationships between business and government structures of territorial economic systems in modern conditions).
dc.publisherФОП Паляниця В.А.
dc.publisherFOP Palyanytsya V.A.
dc.relation.ispartofНарощування фінансово-економічного потенціалу суб’єктів економічних відносин як основа поступального розвитку територіально-господарських систем : моногафія, 2021
dc.relation.ispartofIncreasing the financial and economic potential of the subjects of economic relations as a basis for the progressive development of territorial and economic systems: monograph, 2021
dc.titleHow far is indian society from digital payment system?
dc.typeBook Chapter
dc.rights.holder© ФОП Паляниця В.А., 2021
dc.relation.referencesen1. Atul Sood, Ashapurna Baruah (2017), The New Moral Economy-Demonetization, Digitalization and India’s Core Economic Problems, Economic & Political Weekly, Jan. 7, pp. 31-36.
dc.relation.referencesen2. Fidelity Information Services (2021), Global Payment Report-2021
dc.relation.referencesen3. Kumar Sharma, S. and Madhumohan Govindaluri, S. (2014), "Internet banking adoption in India", Journal of Indian Business Research, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 155-169.
dc.relation.referencesen4. Mohammad Abdul Hannan Mia and et al (2007), E-Banking: Evolution, Status and Prospect, The Cost and Management, Vol. 35, Number 1, January-February 2007, ISSN: 1817-5090, Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh.
dc.relation.referencesen5. RBI, (2001), Report on Internet Banking, Dept. of Economic Analysis and Policy Research, Mumbai (Chairman-Shri S.R.Mittal)
dc.relation.referencesen6. Reserve Bank of India, Database on Indian Economy-Various Years, Mumbai, India
dc.relation.referencesen7. World Bank Group (2017), The Global Findex Database, 2017 Edition. Washington, DC: World Bank
dc.identifier.citationenSane A., Biradar J. (2021) How far is indian society from digital payment system?. Increasing the financial and economic potential of the subjects of economic relations as a basis for the progressive development of territorial and economic systems: monograph (Tern.), pp. 73-78.
dc.contributor.affiliationMIT World Peace University, Pune, India
dc.citation.journalTitleНарощування фінансово-економічного потенціалу суб’єктів економічних відносин як основа поступального розвитку територіально-господарських систем : моногафія
Розташовується у зібраннях:Нарощування фінансово-економічного потенціалу суб’єктів економічних відносин як основа поступального розвитку територіально-господарських систем : моногафія (2021)

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