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Titel: Розроблення інноваційної стратегії підприємства на базі ТОВ Завод «Ремпобуттехніка»
Övriga titlar: Development of an enterprise innovation strategy (LLC “Rempobuttechnica” plant as a case study)
Författare: Джімо, Аугустус Кехінде
Jimoh, Augustus Kehinde
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Джімо А. К. Розроблення інноваційної стратегії підприємства на базі ТОВ Завод «Ремпобуттехніка» : дипломна робота магістра за спеціальністю „073 — менеджмент“ / А. К. Джімо. — Тернопіль : ТНТУ, 2020. — 79 с.
Utgivningsdatum: 20-dec-2020
Date of entry: 29-dec-2020
Place of the edition/event: ТНТУ ім. І. Пулюя, кафедра управління інноваційною діяльністю та сферою послуг
Supervisor: Дудкін, Павло Дмитрович
Committee members: Мосій, Ольга Бориславівна
UDC: 330.34
Nyckelord: 073
economic activity
organizational activity,
Sammanfattning: Jimoh Kehinde Augustus: Development of an enterprise innovation strategy (LLC “Rempobuttechnica” plant as a case study) – Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University: TNTU 2020. The explanatory note to the master's qualification work consists of 79 pages, 4 illustrations, 16 tables. The structure of the work consists of an introduction, four chapters, conclusions to each section, general conclusions, a list of sources used, which consists of 20 items. The work is devoted to the study of the Development of an enterprise innovation strategy (LLC “Rempobuttechnica” plant as a case study) To implement the tasks in the study, the following research methods were used: analysis of scientific sources, comparative analysis, statistical method, method of own observations, method of generalization.
Content: INTRODUCTION..... 4 CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF INNOVATIVE ENTERPRISE STRATEGIES 1.1. Meaning and definitions according to the topic... 7 1.2. The essence and role of forming an innovation strategy for enterprises.....9 1.3. Factors affecting the organization activity....27 CHAPTER 2. ANALYSIS OF THE ENTERPRISE'S ACTIVITY FOR DEVELOPMENT INNOVATION STRATEGY 2.1. Company introduction..... 37 2.2. SWOT-analysis of the industrial and economic activity of the enterprises.....41 2.3. Analysis of the subject.....43 CHAPTER 3. PROJECT AND CALCULATION 3.1. Recommendations concerning the topic, for economic activity improvement and for management of the company....57 CHAPTER 4. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY IN EMERGENCIES 4.1. Occupational health at work...64 4.2. Emergency plan at workplace...74 Conclusions References Appendices
Copyright owner: „© Джімо Аугустус Кехінде, 2020 “
References (International): 1. Hamel, G. 1996. Strategy as Revolution, Harvard Business Review, 74(4). 2. Porter, M. E. (1996). What is strategy? Harvard Business Review, (November-December), 61-78. 3. Baker, K.A. 2002. Innovation In USA Air Force (pub.) Managing science as a public good: Overseeing publicly funded science, USA Air Force: Office of Planning and Analysis, Ch 14. 4. Schumpeter, J.A. 1943. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Allan & Unwin. 5. 21st Century Innovation Working Group, 2004. Innovation: The New Reality for National Prosperity, 21st Century Innovation Working Group Recommendations, Version 2.1. 6. Johannessen, J., Olsen, B., & Lumpkin, G.T. 2001. Innovation as newness: what is new, how new, and new to whom?, European Journal of Innovation Management, 4(1), pp 20-31. 7. Damanpour, F. 1996. Organizational complexity and innovation: developing and testing multiple contingency models, Management Science, 42(5), pp 693-716. 8. Heath, R.L. 2005. Encyclopedia of Public Relations, Volume 2, Sage. 9. Ghoshal, S., Mintzberg, H. 2003. The strategy process: concepts, contexts, cases, Pearson Education. 10. Porter, M.E. 1991. Towards a Dynamic Theory of Strategy, Strategic Management Journal, 12(S2), pp 95–117. 11. Collis, D.J., Montgomery, C.A. 1995. Competing on Resources, Harvard Business Review, July-August, pp 118-128. 79 12. Porter, M.E. 2008. The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy, Harvard Business Review, January, pp79–93. 13. Hough, J., Strickland, A.J., Gamble, J.E., Thompson, A.A. 2008. Crafting and Executing Strategy, South African Edition, McGraw-Hill. 14. Chandler, A.D. 1962. Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the history of industrial enterprise, MIT Press. 15. Mintzberg, H. 1987. The Strategy Concept I: 5 P’s for Strategy, California 16. Management Review, Fall, pp 11–24. 17. Hofer, C. W., Schendel, D. 1978. Strategy formulation: Analytical concepts, St. Paul, MN: West Publishing. 18. Tidd, J., Bessant, J., Pavitt, K. 2005. Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, Wiley. 19. Samuel, P. 2009. Everybody is responsible for innovation, interview on 20. Jimoh Augustus K., 2020. Innovation strategy as a condition for development production enterprises in Ukraine, Master’s Thesis, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University.
Content type: Master Thesis
Samling:073 — менеджмент

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