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Titre: Minimum wage and working under the table: issues and solutions – accounting aspect
Auteur(s): Кравчук, Наталія Василівна
Білоус, Ольга
Синькевич, Надія Іванівна
Kravchuk, Nataliia
Bilous, Olha
Synkevych, Nadiia
Affiliation: Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Kravchuk N. Minimum wage and working under the table: issues and solutions – accounting aspect / Kravchuk Nataliia, Bilous Olha, Synkevych Nadiia // Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village 2 : Monograph. — Nysa : Publishing House of University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, 2019. — P. 262–270. — (Business & tourism).
Bibliographic description (International): Kravchuk N., Bilous O., Synkevych N. (2019) Minimum wage and working under the table: issues and solutions – accounting aspect. Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village 2 : Monograph (Nysa), pp. 262-270.
Is part of: Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village 2, 2019
Date de publication: 25-nov-2019
Date of entry: 9-jui-2020
Editeur: Publishing House of University of Applied Sciences in Nysa
Mots-clés: minimum wage
money under the table
accounting of payment taxation
Number of pages: 9
Page range: 262-270
Start page: 262
End page: 270
ISBN: 978-83-65881-19-9
Copyright owner: © Publishing House of University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, 2019
© Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, 2019
URL for reference material:
References (International): 1. Brian Roach. Taxes in the United States: History, Fairness, and Current Political Issues. University of Cambridge Press: Cambridge.
2. Brownlee W. Elliot (1996). Federal Taxation in America. University of Cambridge Press: Cambridge.
3. Labour Law and Employment in the Ukraine [Online]. – Available at:
4. N.M. Selivanova (2017). Investigation of the system of accounting and taxation of salary in Ukraine and Germany, Economics: time realities, No. 6(34), pp. 44-52.
5. Thomas Pope, Tom Waters (2016). A Survey of the UK Tax System – Institute for Fiscal Studies.
Content type: Book Chapter
Collection(s) :Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village 2: Monograph

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