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Titel: Methodical instructions for independent work from the discipline «Methodology and organization of scientific researches» (for foreign students of speciality 073 “Management”)
Autor(en): Федишин, Ірина Богданівна
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Fedyshyn I.B. Methodical instructions for independent work from the discipline «Methodology and organization of scientific researches» (for foreign students of speciality 073 “Management”) / I.B. Fedyshyn – Ternopil, FOP Palianytsia, 2020. – 40 p.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Date of entry: 5-Jul-2020
Herausgeber: ФОП Паляниця
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Stichwörter: scientific researches, manual, concept of scientific knowledge, methodology of scientific research
Zusammenfassung: The manual for the study of discipline “Methods and organization of scientific researches” contains the compressed exposition of material, includes control questions and independent tasks on every section. It is intended for teachers, students, specialities of higher institutes, which study this object. The manual is developed in accordance with curricula and can be used for engineering and economic universities, and also by the specialists of pertaining to national economy complex.
Copyright owner: ©Федишин І.Б., 2020
References (Ukraine): 1. Fedyshyn I.B. Methodology and organization of scientific researches (supporting lecture notes for students of direction "Management" of all forms of education) / I.B. Fedyshyn – Ternopil, TIPNTU, 2016. – 73 p.
2. Clark, R. W. 1971. Einstein: The Life and Times. New York: World Publishing Company
3. Davis, G.F., and Christopher, M. (2005). Prospects for organization theory in the early 21st century: Institutional fields and mechanisms. Organization Science”, 16(4).
4. Halkier, B. (2010). Focus groups as social enactments: Integrating interaction and conect in the analysis of Focus group data. Qualitative Research, 10, 3.
5. Nordgren, (2004). The Scientific Method 18.
Content type: Methodical recommendations
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Матеріали інших конференцій, семінарів, читань

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