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Tytuł: Проект спортивного комплексу з тренажерними залами, спортзалом і басейном з дослідженням тримких елементів конструкції
Inne tytuły: The project of sports complex with gyms, sports hall and swimming pool with the study of holding elements of structure
Authors: Салах, Шеріф Фавзі
Salah, Sherif
Akcesoria: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Cytat: Салах Ш.Ф. Проект спортивного комплексу з тренажерними залами, спортзалом і басейном з дослідженням тримких елементів конструкції: дипломна робота магістра за спеціальністю „192 — будівництво та цивільна інженерія“/ Ш.Ф. Салах — Тернопіль: ТНТУ, 2019. — 182 с.
Data wydania: 28-gru-2019
Date of entry: 16-sty-2020
Kraj (kod): UA
Place edycja: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Promotor: Коваль, Ігор Володимирович
UDC: 624.012
Słowa kluczowe: 192
будівництво та цивільна інженерія
гідрогеологічні умови
hydrogeological conditions
Abstract: В проект спортивного комплексу з тренажерними залами, спортзалом і басейном з дослідженням тримких елементів конструкції розглянуто призначення проектуваного будинку, інженерно-геологічне і гідрогеологічні умови забудови, а також проаналізовано архітектурні рішення. Визначено номенклатури та обсягів робіт, вибір методів виконання робіт, машини та механізми. Проведено порівняльний аналіз проведено комбіновані стрічкові та пальові ундаменти. Відповідно до розрахунків зменшені витрати на монтаж конструкцій,
In master thesis project, the project of sports complex with gyms, sports hall and swimming pool with the study of holding elements of structure the main structural elements of the building were considered. The purpose of the designed house, engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions of the construction area, as well as architectural decisions are analyzed. The definition of the nomenclature and volumes of works, the choice of methods for the execution of works, machines and mechanisms, the determination of the number of vehicles, and the selection of the crane were carried out. Comparative analysis of the combined band and pile foundations was conducted. According to the alculation of the reduced costs of installation of structures, the assembly line is more economical than the pile, so the assembly element is used in the construction. A record of labor and wages, object estimates for the main building, combined cost estimates of construction costs, which determined the estimated cost in accordance with the procedure for determining the cost of construction and free prices for construction products in the development of market relations.
Content: 1- INTRODUCTION…1 2- Architectural part …2 Architectural-planning solutions… Natural and climatic characteristics of the construction area… Collection of loads on the GFGS farm according to the series… Bill of quantities… Installation of runs… Installation of columns and fachwerk… Mounting the main beams… Installation of wall panels… Unified horizontal load according to the series… Codes of sections of frame elements in a series… 3- Design and calculation part…11 Building construction… the collection of loads… The nomenclature of farms in the series… Snow load on the farm… Option number 2. Lattice frame "Unitec.… Steel for building type… the specification of the crossbars.… the cost of structures… Calculation and design of the truss truss… Calculation of the top belt of the farm… Brace calculation… Design efforts and selection of sections… the reference node of the farm… Farm Intermediate… Calculation and design of the column rod… Design of the column head… Calculation and design of the column base… Calculation of Anchor Bolts… 4- Technological part3…48 Introduction… Designing a Routing Chart for masonry and installation process… The size of the plots.… Masonry of external walls… Organization of the workplace when laying outer walls with a thickness of 640mm with a "two" link.… Organization of the workplace when laying outer walls with a thickness of 640mm with the "troika" link… Laying of internal walls with a thickness of 380 mm.… Installation of inventory scaffolds and filling openings… Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements… Material and technical resources… Jumper List… Specification of slabs and floors… The sheet of load-lifting devices… Normocomplekt of mechanisms, tools, devices for the production of stone works and installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures.… The statement of labor costs and wages (calculation).… Selection of installation methods and installation cranes… Determination of the required parameters of the boom crane… Schedule of production processes… Requirements for the finished concrete and reinforced concrete structures or parts of structures… Admissible deviations in the installation of reinforced concrete elements… Deviations in the size and position of stone structures… Safety in the manufacture of stone-installation works… Organization and technology of basic construction works… Material and technical resources… The statement of labor costs and wages (calculation).… Quality control.… Safety in the manufacture of roofing works.… 5- . The economic part 4…97 rules for determining the cost of construction… summary statement… object estimate… local estimate… 6- Scientific part 5…114 Investigation of the stress-strain state of a physical model of a weldless farm with no braids at static loads by a computer simulation experiment.… Investigation of the stress-strain state of a physical model of a welded farm with pigtails and crosscutting of braces at static loads by a computer simulation experiment… 7- Labor and environment protection part 6…131 Introduction… A common part… Measures for engineering support of the building.… Designing and installation of water supply system.… Warming of external pipelines… Water purification systems… Designing and installation of sewerage system… Sewage draining system in the ground… Filtration systems with water withdrawal into the reservoir… Purification systems with a sand filter… Purification systems using a biological filter… Characteristics of heating systems… Classification of heating systems… Radiator heating systems… Features of the application of thermostatic valves… Recommended project… Design features… Safety part… 8- ЕCOLOGY part 7…164 The effect of the projected object on the environmental components… Basic Machines and Mechanisms… Coefficient… Calculation of emissions of harmful substances during the operation of construction machinery and vehicles… 9- Special part 8…171 Feasibility comparison of transverse frame layout options. 10- CONCLUSION…174 11- Reference…175
Właściciel praw autorskich: © Салах Шеріф Фавзі, 2019
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Typ zawartości: Master Thesis
Występuje w kolekcjach:192 — будівництво та цивільна інженерія

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