このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/26862
タイトル: An investigation of the external and internal factors affecting the corporation productivity “A-NATURE” productivity
著者: Basu Casay Grace
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Basu Casay Grace. An investigation of the external and internal factors affecting the corporation productivity “A-NATURE” productivity : автореферат дипломної роботи магістра за спеціальністю „073 — менеджмент“/ Basu Casay Grace. — Тернопіль: ТНТУ, 2018. — 10 с.
発行日: 26-12月-2018
Submitted date: 26-12月-2018
Date of entry: 27-12月-2018
Country (code): UA
Supervisor: Сороківська, Олена Анатоліївна
キーワード: internal and external factors
competitive status
direct environment
development trends
抄録: The Object of Investigation ‒ the process of managing the productivity of the enterprise’s agricultural activity. The Aim of the Work is to study the theoretical and applied aspects of improving the productivity of the enterprise by upgrading the influence of internal and external factors. Research methods ‒ economic and statistical, and comparative analysis, expert survey method, dialectical knowledge, economic synthesis. Design proposals for improving of the internal "A-Nature's" environment through implementation of "Stop Point" project and upgrading of agribusiness competitiveness and productivity of the company “A-nature” through the use of favorable external factors.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/26862
References (International): 1. The Object of Investigation ‒ the process of managing the productivity of the enterprise’s agricultural activity. The Aim of the Work is to study the theoretical and applied aspects of improving the productivity of the enterprise by upgrading the influence of internal and external factors. Research methods ‒ economic and statistical, and comparative analysis, expert survey method, dialectical knowledge, economic synthesis. Design proposals for improving of the internal "A-Nature's" environment through implementation of "Stop Point" project and upgrading of agribusiness competitiveness and productivity of the company “A-nature” through the use of favorable external factors. The results were implemented in activity of the agricultural enterprise “A-Nature”.
Content type: Thesis Abstract
出現コレクション:073 — менеджмент

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