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Título: Dynamic Effect of Cushion Part of Wheeled Vehicles on Their Steerability
Authors: Sokil, B.
Сокіл, Б.
Lyashuk, Oleg Leontiyovych
Ляшук, Олег Леонтійович
Sokil, M.
Сокіл, М.
Popovich, Pavlo Vasylyovych
Vovk, Yuriy Yaroslavovych
Вовк, Юрій Ярославович
Perenchuk, Olga Zinoviyivna
Перенчук, Ольга Зіновіївна
Affiliation: Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy
Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineeringб Volume 15, Issue 1, pp. 4880-4892 March 2018
Bibliographic description (International): International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineeringб Volume 15, Issue 1, pp. 4880-4892 March 2018
Data de edición: Mar-2018
Date of entry: 7-May-2018
Editor: Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Place of the edition/event: Малайзія
Palabras chave: Wheeled vehicles steerability
limiting value of steered wheels turning angle
longitudinal-and-angular oscillations
Page range: 4880-4892
Resumo: The effect of relative motion of cushion system on dynamic pressure force of steered wheeled vehicles with non-linear elastic characteristics of suspension was evaluated in the article under consideration. The problem is to find the dynamic force of system cushion-non-cushion part pressure on front wheel. The dependence for the limiting value of dynamic turning angle of steered wheels on longitudinal-and-angular oscillations amplitude and parameters describing elastic characteristics of elastic suspension was obtained. It was demonstrated that for more rigid suspensions the value of dynamic turning angle is smaller at small amplitudes of longitudinal-and-angular oscillations and bigger at big amplitudes of longitudinal-and-angular oscillations.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/24782
ISSN: 2229-8649
URL for reference material: http://ijame.ump.edu.my/images/Vol%2015%20Issue%201%20March%202018/0380.pdf
References (International): Sokil BI, Senyk PM. Parameters determination of non-linear oscillation system on amplitude – frequency characteristic. Mathematical methods and physical and mechanical fields. 1977; 7: 94-99.
Lyashuk O, Pyndus T, Marunych O, Sokil M. Longitudinal-angular oscillation of wheeled vehicles with non-linear power characteristics of absorber system. Scientific Journal of the Ternopil National Technical University. 2016; 83: 82-89
Lyashuk О, Sokil M, Vovk Y, Tson O, Dzyura V. The impact of the kinematic parameters of bounce and pitch motions of sprung mass on wheeled vehicles handling. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport. 2017; 97: 81-91.
Content type: Article
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