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Títol: Optimization of induction hardfacing of thin discs, allowing for thermal and electromagnetic shielding
Altres títols: Оптимизация индукционной наплавки тонких дисков с учетом теплового и электромагнитного экранирования
Оптимізація індукційного наплавлення тонких дисків з урахуванням теплового та електромагнітного екранування
Autor: Shably, O.M.
Pulka, Ch.V.
Pismenny, A.S.
Шаблій, Олег Миколайович
Пулька, Чеслав Вікторович
Письменний, Олександр Семенович
Affiliation: I. Pulyuj Ternopil State Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): O.M. Shably Ch.V. Pulka and A.S. Pismenny. Optimization of induction hardfacing of thin discs, allowing for thermal and electromagnetic shielding. 9/2003. P. 20-23.
Is part of: The Paton Welding Journal
Автоматическая сварка
Data de publicació: 2003
Date of entry: 7-de -2015
Paraules clau: induction hard facing
thin discs
two-turn ring inductor
optimizing the inductor parameters
temperature field
thermal and electromagnetic shielding
Page range: 20-23
Resum: A mathematical model has been developed to determine the temperature field in the process of disc hardfacing using a two-turn ring inductor with allowance for thermal and electromagnetic shielding. This model enables optimizing the mentioned temperature in the zone of disc hardfacing depending on the parameters of the inductor, disc, electromagnetic and thermal shields, as well as electric current.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6144
References (Ukraine): 1. Shably, O.M., Pulka, Ch.V., Pismenny, A.S. (2002) Optimisation of inductor parameters for uniform heating of discs across the width of the hard facing zone, allowing for screening. The Paton Welding J., 11, 23-25.
2. Shably, O.N., Pulka, Ch.V., Mikhajlishin, M.S. et al. Device for power control in zone of hard facing. Positive decision on issuing of patent on application 2002119491. Filed 28.11.02.
3. Shably, O.N., Pulka, Ch.V., Pismenny, A.S. (1997) Optimisation of design parameters of inductor for induction hard facing of thin steel discs. Avtmatich. Svarka, 6, 17-20.
4. Shably, O.N., Pulka, Ch.V., Budzan, B.P. (1987) Optimisation of power consumption during induction hard facing of thin-walled discs. Ibid., 1, 36-39.
5. Semyonov, N.A. (1973) Technical electrodynamics. Moscow: Svyaz.
6. Isachenko, V.P., Osipova, V.A., Sukomel, A.S. (1981) Heat transfer. 4 th ed. Moscow : Energoizdat.
Content type: Article
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