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Titel: Trends to determine fracture intiation and propagation of a pipe under service pressure
Författare: Ben, M.
Capelle, J.
Azari, Z.
Affiliation: ENIM (France)
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Trends to determine fracture intiation and propagation of a pipe under service pressure / G. Pluvinage, M. Ben Amara, J. Capelle, Z. Azari // IV міжнародна науково-технічна конференція „Пошкодження матеріалів під час експлуатації, методи його діагностування і прогнозування“ — Тернопіль : Вид-во ТНТУ імені Івана Пулюя, 2015. — С. 154-162. — (Оцінювання залишкового ресурсу елементів конструкцій).
Bibliographic description (International): Pluvinage G., Ben M., Capelle J., Azari Z. Trends to determine fracture intiation and propagation of a pipe under service pressure. International Conference "In-Service Damage of Materials, its Diagnostics and Prediction", Ternopil, TNTU, 2015, P. 154-162 [in English].
Is part of: Матеріали IV міжнародної науково-технічної конференції „Пошкодження матеріалів під час експлуатації, методи його діагностування і прогнозування“
Utgivningsdatum: 21-sep-2015
Date of entry: 28-okt-2015
Utgivare: Вид-во ТНТУ імені Івана Пулюя
Place of the edition/event: Тернопіль
Page range: 154-162
Sammanfattning: A fracture toughness transferability curve has been established for the X52 pipe steels described by a linear relationship between the notch critical stress intensity factor and the average value of T stress over the opening stress distribution. This curve is used to determine the fracture toughness associated with the structure. the characteristic length of the fracture process. Crack extension modelled by Finite Element method using CTOA criterion coupled with the the node release technique is used to predict the crack velocity, the arrest pressure and crack length. This method is compared with the different Two Curves Methods Batelle, HLP and HLP-Sumitomo
Copyright owner: © Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя, 2015
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[10] Hadj Meliani M , Matvienko, Y. G , Pluvinage G. “Two-parameter fracture criterion (K Tef,c) based on notch fracture mechanics”, Inter. Journal of Fracture Vol 167: 173–182, (2011).
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[15] ASTM E2471-12e1, Standard Test Method for Determination of Resistance to Stable Crack Extension under Low-Constraint Conditions.
[16] M.Ben amara , J.Capelle ,Z.Azari and G.Pluvinage” The application of CTOA criterion to simulate crack propagation and arrest in a modified CT test specimen”, Congress NT2F14” Belgrade Serbia, (2014).
[17] Espen Jakobsen, “Deformation of pressurized pipelines”, Master Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, (2013).
[18] H.O. Nordhagen, S. Kragset, T. Berstad, A.Morin, C. Dørumb, S.T. Munkejord, “A new coupled fluid-structure modeling methodology for running ductile fracture”, Computers and Structures ,94-95 : 13-21, (2012).
[19] Maxey, W. A., 5th Symp. on Line Pipe Research, PRCI Catalog No. L30174, Paper J, (1974).
[20] E. Sugie, M. Matsuoka, H. Akiyama, T. Mimura, Y. Kawaguchi, “A study of shear crackpropagation in gas-pressurized pipelines”,J. Press. Vess. – T. ASME 104 (4): 338–343, (1982).
[21] R. Higuchi, H. Makino, I. Takeuchi, “New concept and test method on running ductile fracture arrest for high pressure gas pipeline”, in: 24th World Gas Conference, WGC 2009, Vol. 4, International Gas Union, Buenos Aires, Argentina,: 2730–2737,(2009).
References (International): [1] Mouwakeh M, Pluvinage G. and Masri S. "Failure of water pipes containing surface cracks using limit analysis notions". Res. J. of Aleppo Univ. Engineering Science Series, Vol 63, (2011).
[2] Henry B. S, and Luxmore A. R. "The stress triaxiality constraint and the Q-value as a ductile fracture parameter" Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol 57 : 375–390, (1997).
[3] Ruggieri C,Gao X and Dodds R. H "Transferability of elastic–plastic fracture toughness using the Weibull stress approach: Significance of parameter calibration", Engineering Fracture Mechanics Vol 67 : 101–117, (2000).
[4] Hadj Meliani M , Matvienko, Y. G , Pluvinage G. "Two-parameter fracture criterion (K Tef,c) based on notch fracture mechanics", Inter. Journal of Fracture Vol 167: 173–182, (2011).
[5] Nikishkov G.P."An algorithm and computer program for the three-term asymptotic expansion of elastic–plastic crack tip stress and displacement field "Engng Frac Mech; Vol 50 : 65–83, (1995).
[6] Maxey, W. A., 5th Symp. on Line Pipe Research, PRCI Catalog No. L30174, Paper J, (1974).
[7] Williams M.L " On the stress distribution at the base of stationary Crack", ASME J Appl Mech, Vol 24:109–114, (1957).
[8] Larsson S.G and Carlsson, A. J "Influence of non-singular stress terms and specimen geometry on small-scale yielding at crack tips in elastic–plastic materials", J Mech Phys Solids 1 Vol (21), : 263–77, (1973).
[9] Maleski M.J, Kirugulige M.S and Tippur H.V. "A Method for Measuring Mode I Crack Tip Constraint Under Static and Dynamic Loading Conditions". Society for Experimental Mechanics. Vol. 44, No. 5, October, (2004).
[10] Hadj Meliani M , Matvienko, Y. G , Pluvinage G. "Two-parameter fracture criterion (K Tef,c) based on notch fracture mechanics", Inter. Journal of Fracture Vol 167: 173–182, (2011).
[11] D. Dawicke et M. Sutton, " CTOA and crack-tunneling measurements in thin sheet 2024-T3 aluminum alloy ", Experimental Mechanics, vol. 34, no. 4, p. 357-368, déc. 1994.
[12] J. Heerens et M. Schödel, " On the determination of crack tip opening angle, CTOA, using light microscopy and δ5 measurement technique ", Engineering fracture mechanics, vol. 70, no. 34, p. 417-426, 2003.
[13] W. Lloyd et F.McClintock, " Microtopography for ductile fracture process characterization Part 2: application for CTOA analysis ", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 70, no. 3-4, p. 403415, févr. 2003.
[14] S. Xu, R. Bouchard, et W. R. Tyson, " Simplified single-specimen method for evaluating CTOA ", Engineering fracture mechanics, vol. 74, no. 15, p. 2459-2464, 2007.
[15] ASTM E2471-12e1, Standard Test Method for Determination of Resistance to Stable Crack Extension under Low-Constraint Conditions.
[16] M.Ben amara , J.Capelle ,Z.Azari and G.Pluvinage" The application of CTOA criterion to simulate crack propagation and arrest in a modified CT test specimen", Congress NT2F14" Belgrade Serbia, (2014).
[17] Espen Jakobsen, "Deformation of pressurized pipelines", Master Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, (2013).
[18] H.O. Nordhagen, S. Kragset, T. Berstad, A.Morin, C. Dørumb, S.T. Munkejord, "A new coupled fluid-structure modeling methodology for running ductile fracture", Computers and Structures ,94-95 : 13-21, (2012).
[19] Maxey, W. A., 5th Symp. on Line Pipe Research, PRCI Catalog No. L30174, Paper J, (1974).
[20] E. Sugie, M. Matsuoka, H. Akiyama, T. Mimura, Y. Kawaguchi, "A study of shear crackpropagation in gas-pressurized pipelines",J. Press. Vess. – T. ASME 104 (4): 338–343, (1982).
[21] R. Higuchi, H. Makino, I. Takeuchi, "New concept and test method on running ductile fracture arrest for high pressure gas pipeline", in: 24th World Gas Conference, WGC 2009, Vol. 4, International Gas Union, Buenos Aires, Argentina,: 2730–2737,(2009).
Content type: Article
Samling:Конференція „Пошкодження матеріалів під час експлуатації, методи його діагностування і прогнозування“ (2015)

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