Mesedez, erabili identifikatzaile hau item hau aipatzeko edo estekatzeko:

Titulua: Оцінка граничної точності високовольтних джерел струмових сигналів на базі моделі, побудованої за їх паспортними даними
Beste titulu batzuk: Estimation of the limit accuracy of the current signals in the high voltage sources based on the model built according to their specification
Egilea: Євтух, Петро Сильвестрович
Бабюк, Сергій Миколайович
Кислиця, Тетяна Анатоліївна
Yevtukh, P.
Babyuk, S.
Kyslytsya, T.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Євтух П. Оцінка граничної точності високовольтних джерел струмових сигналів на базі моделі, побудованої за їх паспортними даними / Євтух П., Бабюк С., Кислиця Т. // Вісник ТНТУ. — 2012. — Том 66. — № 2. — С.214-223. — (математичне моделювання, математика. фізика).
Gordailuaren-data: 18-Apr-2012
Date of entry: 26-Jun-2013
Argitalpen: Тернопільський національний технічний університет ім. Івана Пулюя
Place of the edition/event: Тернопіль, Україна
UDC: 621.314.213.08
Gako-hitzak: сигнал
джерела сигналів струму
трансформатор струму
source signal current transformer current
Laburpena: Подано матеріал, який доводить, що після компенсації систематичних складових похибки високовольтних джерел сигналів струму похибка представленої інформації знизиться приблизно в 5 разів також. Визначено границю зниження похибки, яка досягається після компенсації систематичної складової похибки. Ця величина обмежується можливостями метрологічного забезпечення на заводі-виробнику і являє собою похибку порядку 0,05%.
The role and significance of electrical energy losses in tariff setting and energy system development is evident from the fact that in the electrical energy transmission the cost of the losses is sufficient (30-40%). During the last decades the losses of electric power in the networks of Ukraine were relatively stable and equaled about 10% of the supplied electricity. However, due to different reasons in recent years they grew up to 16%. Availability of errors caused by current signals sources, leads to the significant differences of the measured electrical value, such as active power and electric energy from their real values in the high-voltage power networks. Reduction of these errors makes it possible to increase the measurement accuracy, which in its turn will result in more precise specification of bills for the consumed electricity, its quality, electricity losses in networks and to control more precisely the generators power at the power stations, which is of great importance within the energy market. Error reduction of current measuring transformers is obtained by taking into consideration its metrology properties. Until now the errors of measuring transformers were estimated by their type of accuracy, which happened to be only the characteristic of networks. Application of the additional results on the initial and finished tests of each of transformers, that is represented in a specification, makes possible to decrease these limits. It is known that the random component of measurement error can not be excluded from the results of this single measurement. The value of this random component is the exceptional theoretical limit, which can improve measurement accuracy. It was proved that the characteristics of signals of current measuring transformer can be found from the low-voltage side that allows to find these characteristics in the production conditions. The method was developed and the scheme for measuring of signals characteristics of the current transformers from the low-voltage side, that can be applied in the production conditions for finding of error similar to real under real loading was presented. It is known also, that the most traditional is the systematic error compensation which can be carried out automatically by means of computer during its operation. But up to now it was not known what is the limit of possibility to carry out compensation of the systematic component of the error in the high-voltage sources of current sources. Information, which proves that after compensation of the systematic error components of high-voltage current sources, the error of the presented information will go down approximately in 5 times . The limit of the error decrease that is achieved after compensation of the systematic error component was found too. This value is limited by the possibilities of the metrology at the plant producer and equals about 0,05%.
ISSN: 1727-7108
Copyright owner: © „Вісник Тернопільського національного технічного університету“
Publications status : Опубліковано раніше
Content type: Article
Bildumetan azaltzen da:Вісник ТНТУ, 2012, № 2 (66)

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