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Article19979-бер-2021Harmonic analysis using in human visual system diagnosnics by means of elektroretinograms identificationMarchenko, Boris G.; Tkachuk, Roman A.; Palamar, Michail I.
Articleбер-202018-чер-2020Modeling the development of machine-building industry on the basis of the fuzzy sets theoryRohatynskyi, R.; Рогатинський, Роман Михайлович; Рогатинский, Р. М.; Harmatiy, N.; Гарматій, Наталія Михайлівна; Гарматий, Н. М.; Fedyshyn, I.; Федишин, Ірина Богданівна; Федишин, И. Б.; Dmytriv, D.; Дмитрів, Дмитро Володимирович; Дмытрив, Д. В.
Article202021-чер-2022Waste management problems in the Ternopil regionStruchok, Volodymyr; Стручок, Володимир Сергійович
Articleлис-201917-гру-2019Economic analysis of activities of companies of Ukraine and Poland and clusterization of the insurance market of the national economyГарматій, Наталія Михайлівна; Різник, Наталія Михайлівна; Гарматій, Сергій Васильович
Article20181-січ-2020Informational aspects of the haptic stimulation by the light for correction of the human functional stateYavorskyy, Bohdan; Bachynskyy, Mychaylo
Article9-лис-20208-гру-2020Territorria framework of local sele - government : basis of legislative regulationSiryk, Zinoviy; Bilyk, Rostyslav; Panukhnyk, Olena; Сірик, Зеновій; Білик, Ростислав; Панухник, Олена
Article199526-лют-2021Komputera aparato por frua diagnostiko de okulaj malsanoj (Retinograf - 01)Tkachuk, Roman
Article15-тра-202023-тра-2020Determination of the Place Depressurization of Underground Pipelines in the Monitoring of Oil and Gas EnterprisesYuzevych, Volodymyr; Horbonos, Fedir; Rogalskyi, Roman; Yemchenko, Iryna; Yasinskyi, Mykhailo
Article5-вер-201716-жов-2017Environmentally responsible business: the introduction of the European experience in UkraineСороківська, Олена Анатоліївна; Мельник, Лілія Миколаївна; Мосій, Ольга Бориславівна
Article1-тра-20206-тра-2020Qualimetric Analysis of Pipelines with Corrosion Surfaces in the Monitoring System of Oil and Gas EnterprisesYuzevych, Volodymyr; Pavlenchyk, Nataliia; Zaiats, Olha; Heorhiadi, Nellі; Lakiza, Viktoriia
Article20216-лип-2021Competence-based approach in the training of physicistsVasylyshyn, Vitalii; Yekimov, Sergey; Nakhod, Svitlana; Voytsekhovska, Yuliya; Otroshchenko, Nataliia; Gavrilko, Tetiana; Zheludenko, Maryna; Mikheev, Andriy; Vynnyk, Tetiana
Articleлис-20197-гру-2020Balanced development of regional economic systems on the basis of smart specialization: european experience and opportunities for UkrainePanukhnyk, Olena Vitaliyivna; Khymych, Hryhoriy Petrovich; Fedotova, Yana Hennadiyivna
Article201918-чер-2020Financing innovation activity in Ukraine: realities and perspectivesMarynenko, Nataliia; Fedyshyn, Iryna; Garmatiy, Natalia; Kramar, Iryna
Article19966-лис-2020Computing measuring system for biopotentials of visual analiger investigationMarchenko, B.G.; Tkachuk, Roman Andriyovych; Palamar, Mykhaylo Ivanovych
Articleлис-202218-лис-2022Оцінювання економічної доцільності використання технології утилізації тепла на підприємствах харчової промисловостіСтадник, Ігор Ярославович; Балабан, Степан Миколайович; Каспрук, Володимир Богданович; Деркач, Андрій Володимирович
Article201012-лис-2020ERG system for neurotoxicity risk assessmentTkachuk, Roman; Yavorskyy, Bohdan; Ткачук, Роман; Яворський, Богдан
Articleсіч-202129-чер-2021Accounting Software in Modern BusinessShveda, Nataliia; Marushchak, Lesia; Pavlykivska, Olha; Liakhovych, Galyna; Vakun, Oksana
Article19-вер-201618-тра-2017Information support of computer measuring experiments in evaluating of the noise processes characteristicsMartyniuk, G. V.; Scherbak, L. M.; Fryz, M. E.
Articleтра-201017-лис-2020Побудова прототипу експертної системи для дослідження нейротоксикації людини методом електроретинографіїЯворський, Богдан Іванович; Ткачук, Роман Андрійович; Yavorskyy, Bohdan Ivanovych; Tkachuk, Roman Andriyovych
Article201729-лис-2020Conceptualizing Functional Distribution of Authority to Regulation Social, Ecological, and Economic Development of Micro-RegionsPanukhnyk, Olena
Articleчер-20212-лип-2021Industry 4.0 Versus agriculture. Development perspectives of agriculture in the Republic of Moldova by assimilating digital technologiesPerciun, Rodica; Amarfii-Railean, Nelli; Shveda, Nataliia
Article1-тра-20209-тра-2020Diagnostics of Temperature Regime of Technological Environments of Underground Pipelines in the Monitoring System of Oil and Gas Enterprises for Providing of Safe ExploitationYuzevych, Volodymyr; Pavlenchyk, Anatolii; Lozovan, Vitalii; Mykhalitska, Natalia; Bets, Marianа
Articleвер-200815-гру-2013Reconstruction of algorithms for spread spectrum signals detection into a frame of the inductive modeling methodYavorskyy, Bohdan; Dragan, Yaroslav; Sicora, L’ubomyr; Яворський, Богдан Іванович; Драґан, Ярослав Петрович; Сікора, Любомир Степанович
Articleжов-20202-лип-2021Conceptual Model of Innovation-Economic Activity Improvement of Goods and Services Delivery EnterprisesNataliy, Harmatiy; Iryna, Fedyshyn; Taniana, Matsievska
Article201831-бер-2020Methodological approach to strategic planning of corporate social activitiesПлекан, Уляна Михайлівна; Plekan, Uliana
Article200919-січ-2020Invariance principles and systems analysis of realization of physical laws symmetry for conteporary signal energodynamics.Dragan, Y.; Medykovskyi, M.; Sikora, L.; Yavorskyi, B.
Article19-лют-200727-гру-2014Scientific Paradigms for Computer Aided Signal DesignDragan, Yaroslav; Yavorskyy, Bohdan
Articleсіч-199622-гру-2013Estimating the Periodicity in the Structure of Stochastic FieldsYavorskii, Bohdan; Dragan, Yaroslav; Krivaya, Nadiya; Яворський, Богдан Іванович; Драґан, Ярослав Петрович; Крива, Надія Романівна
Articleбер-202116-чер-2021Investigation of internal efforts in the components of the crop sprayer boom sectionHevko, Roman; Stashkiv, Mykola; Lyashuk, Oleg; Vovk, Yuriy; Oleksyuk, Vasyl; Tson, Oleg; Bortnyk, Igor
Article201426-бер-2014Application of the Principle of Symmetry for Synchronization of Biosignals in their SampleYavorskyy, Bohdan; Яворський, Богдан Іванович
Article198526-чер-2014Recursive digital filters with delta modulationYavorskii, Bohdan; Pogribnoi, Volodimer
Article200917-кві-2014On Lorentz-invariance and Symmetry of Physical Laws in Signal EnergodynamicsYavorskyi, Bohdan; Sikora, Lubomyr; Medykovskyi, Mykola; Dragan, Yaroslav; Яворський, Богдан Іванович; Драґан, Ярослав Петрович; Сікора, Любомир Степанович; Медиковський, Микола Олександрович
Article28-лют-201528-лют-2015The effect of operating loading on stress-strain state of power plant superheater collectorYasniy, Petro; Pyndus, Yuriy; Brevus, Vitaly; Бревус, Віталій Миколайович; Ясній, Петро Володимирович; Пиндус, Юрій Іванович
Article201512-вер-2016Economic security of Ukrainian enterprises in conditions of information warСороківська, Олена Анатоліївна
Article201612-вер-2016Interaction of economic security system for small business enterprises with the environmentСороківська, Олена Анатоліївна
Articleкві-202128-гру-2021Forming the Territorial Communities' Local Budgets in Ukraine Under Decentralization: Current Condition and Management TasPatytska, Khrystyna; Panukhnyk, Olena; Popadynets, Nazariy; Kramarenko, Irina
Article202114-гру-2021Complex Assessment and Forecasting of Chemical Pollution of Small Rivers by Economic and Mathematical Modelling MethodsHumeniuk, Halyna; Khomenchuk, Volodymyr; Harmatiy, Nataliia; Chen, Iryna
Article202228-кві-2023The need to teach professional ethics for future specialists in technical higher education institutionsШостаківська, Надія Михайлівна; Савіна, Інна; Shostakivska, Nadiia; Savina, Inna
Article30-бер-20232-чер-2023The method of using fractal analysis for metastatic nodules diagnostics on computer tomographic images of lungsRomaniv, S. V.; Palaniza, Yu. B.; Vakulenko, D. V.; Galaychuk, I. Y.
Article202220-гру-2022Content Component of the Educational Process as a Competitive Advantage of UkrainianZhuravel, Yuliya; Popadynets, Nazariy; Hrynkevych, Svitlana; Panukhnyk, Olena; Ratushniak, Ihor
Article20226-гру-2022Quantitative analysis of fatty acids and monosaccharides composition in Chamerion angustifolium L. by GC/MS methodSlobodianiuk, Liudmyla; Budniak, Liliia; Feshchenko, Halyna; Sverstiuk, Andriy; Palaniza, Yuri
Article7-чер-202218-чер-2022Determination of the pattern of dust and air flow movement in vortex mechanismКаспрук, Володимир Богданович; Балабан, Степан Миколайович; Ярош, Ярослав Миколайович; Volodymyr, Kaspruk; Stepan, Balaban; Yaroslav, Yarosh
Articleбер-202227-чер-2022Features of Environmentalization of Agricultural Land UseKoshkalda, Iryna; Panukhnyk, Olena; Sheludko, Kateryna; Hoptsii, Dmytro; Makieieva, Liudmyla
Article202221-гру-2022Innovative Approaches to Determining the Monopolitisation Level of Regional Primary Residential Real Estate Markets of UkrainePavlova, Olena; Pavlov, Kostiantyn; Panukhnyk, Olena; Ilyin, Leonid; Apostolyuk, Oksana; Popadynets, Nazariy
Articleкві-202128-гру-2021Mechanisms to Manage the Regional Socio-Economic Development and Efficiency of the Decentralization ProcessesIrtyshcheva, Inna; Kramarenko, Iryna; Vasyltsiv, Taras; Boiko, Yevheniya; Panukhnyk, Olena; Hryshyna, Nataliya; Hrafska, Oryslava; Ishchenko, Olena; Tubaltseva, Nataliya; Sirenko, Ihor; Popadynets, Nazariy; Hryhoruk, Iryna
Article201629-чер-2016Mathematical modelling of the separation of suspension process on the filter with selt-purifier filter elementШинкарик, Марія Миколаївна; Кравець, Олег Ігорович
Articleбер-20162-вер-2016Mathematical modelling of the separation of suspension process on the filter with selt-purifier filter elementШинкарик, Марія Миколаївна; Кравець, Олег Ігорович
Article202322-лис-2023Approach to prediction and receiver operating characteristic analysis of a regression model for assessing the severity of the course Lyme borreliosis in childrenNykytyuk, Svetlana Oleksiivna; Sverstiuk, Andriy Stepanovych; Klymnyuk, Serhiy Ivanovich; Pyvovarchuk, Dmytro Stepanovych; Palaniza, Yuri Bogdanovich
Article22-лис-20227-гру-2023Mathematical modeling of diffusion transfer for charged particles in the layered composite mediumБалабан, Степан Миколайович; Petryk, Oksana; Boyko, Igor; Stoianov, Yurii; Balaban, Stepan; Nestor, Julia
Article3-сер-20239-сер-2023Посилення політики соціального захисту внутрішньо переміщених осіб в умовах війниЧесакова, Мирослава; Бортун, Каріна; Логвиненко, Вікторія; Молотай, Валерій; Тимошик, Наталія
Article202430-січ-2024Diagnostics of oil leaks caused by malicious damage to the linear part of oil pipelines: innovative solutions for the oil industryObshta, Anatoliy; Yuzevych, Volodymyr; Pohrebniak, Andrii; Mysiuk, Roman; Chorniy, Bogdan
Article12-чер-202421-сер-2024Development of an algorithm for identification of damage types on the surface of sheet metalPalianytsia, Y; Lytvynenko, I; Menoub, A; Shymchuk, H; Dubchak, A
Article20245-вер-2024Application of ROC-analysis to assess the quality of predicting the risk of chronic rhinosinusitis recurrenceHerasymiuk, M; Sverstiuk, A; Palaniza, Yuri; Malovana, I
Article20246-вер-2024Active Phased Array Antenna With Parallel Feeder Excitation At 3.7 GhzPalaniza, Yuri; Martseniuk, A; Yaskiv, V
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