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Titulua: The course of lectures on discipline “Logistics” for the 3rd year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)
Egilea: Dudkin, P.
Dudkin, D.
Дудкін, Павло Дмитрович
Дудкін, Дмитро Павлович
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Dudkin P, Dudkin D. The course of lectures on discipline “Logistics” for the 3rd year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors) / P. Dudkin, D.Dudkin. – Ternopil: ФОП Паляниця В. А., 2016. – 90 p.
Gordailuaren-data: 2016
Date of entry: 1-Jul-2016
Argitalpen: ФОП Паляниця В. А.
UDC: 330.34
Number of pages: 90
Laburpena: The course of lectures on discipline “Logistics” have been discussed and approved at the meeting of the department of Innovation activity management and entrepreneurship of the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University on February 10, 2016, Minutes No12. The course of lectures on discipline “Logistics” have been discussed and approved at the meeting of the methodical committee of the faculty of Management and Business in Manufacturing Sphere of the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University on February 26, 2016, Minutes No5.
Copyright owner: © P. Dudkin, D.Dudkin, 2016
Content type: Book
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