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Tittel: Classification of risks in accounting in scientific works of national and foreign scientists
Authors: Королюк, Тетяна Миколаївна
Affiliation: PhD (Economics), Ass. Prof., Ternopil Ivan Pul 'uj National Technical University, Ukraine
Bibliographic description (International): Korolyuk T.M. Classification of risks in accounting in scientific works of national and foreign scientists / T.M. Korolyuk // Материали за 12-а международна научна практична конференция, «Найновите научни постижения», - 2016. Том 1. Икономики. София. «Бял ГРАД-БГ» ООД - 112 стр. – C. 87-89.
Conference/Event: Материали за 12-а международна научна практична конференция, «Найновите научни постижения»,
Volume: 1
Utgivelsesdato: 13-jun-2016
Date of entry: 13-jun-2016
Number of pages: 3
Page range: 87-89
Start page: 87
End page: 89
References (Ukraine): 1. Vygivska I. M. Accounting of the enterprise in risk conditions: organisation and methods: extended abstract of candidate's thesis: 08.00.09 / I. M . Vygivska; ZSTU. -Zhytomyr,2010. -21 p. 2. Fomina О. V. Estimation of the enterprise risks in the system of accounting / О. V . Fomina, О. M . Goncharenko // Economic Annals-XXI . - 2015. - No3-4(2). - p. 67-70. 3. Dereviashkin S. A . Risks in accounting and their classification / S. A. Derevi- ashkin // Innovative development of economy. - 2014. - No3. - p. 123-128. 4. Shevelev A. Y . Risks in accounting at modern enterprise / A. Y. Shevelev // Digest of SUSU. - 2014. - No4(8). - p. 68-71. 5. Stafievskaia M. V . Conceptual basis of the risks accounting: extended abstract of candidate's thesis: 08.00 .12 / M. V. Stafievskaia; NSU. -Nizhny Novgorod, 2013. -20 p. 6. Tolstova A. S . On the problem of risks in accounting / A. S . Tolstova // Eco­ nomic sciences. - 2009. - No11. - p. 321-324 .
Vises i samlingene:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри бухгалтерського обліку та аудиту

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