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Título : | Strategy for the development of Ukrainian communities in the post-war period |
Otros títulos : | Estrategia para el desarrollo de las comunidades ucranianas en la posguerra Стратегія розвитку українських громад в поствоєнний період |
Autor : | Shveda, Nataliia Ziailyk, Mariia Dzhydzhora, Liliana Oksentyuk, Bohdana Hats, Lyubov Шведа, Наталія Михайлівна Зяйлик, Марія Федорівна Джиджора, Ліліана Анатоліївна Оксентюк, Богдана Андріївна Гац, Любов Євгенівна |
Affiliation: | Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя, м. Тернопіль, Україна |
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): | Shveda N, Ziailyk M, Dzhydzhora L, Oksentyuk B, Hats L. Strategy for the development of Ukrainian communities in the post-war period. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 30];3:.768. Available from: https://conferencias.ageditor.ar/index.php/sctconf/article/view/768 |
Journal/Collection: | Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología – Serie de Conferencias |
Issue: | Vol. 3 (2024) |
Fecha de publicación : | 2-sep-2024 |
Submitted date: | 1-sep-2024 |
Date of entry: | 30-oct-2024 |
Editorial : | Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias |
Place of the edition/event: | The journal Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología - Serie de Conferencias; Area 4: Finance, Business, Management, Economics and Accounting |
Palabras clave : | Local Self-Government Armed Aggression Decentralization Reform Grant Support The Legal Regime of Martial Law Autogobierno Local Agresión Armada Reforma de la Descentralización ; Ayudas en Forma de Subvenciones el Régimen Jurídico de la Ley Marcial |
Page range: | 768-781 |
Citación : | Finance, Business, Management, Economics and Accounting; |
Resumen : | The relevance of the stated research topic is due to the fact that Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has
led to the destruction of settlements, critical infrastructure and the forced migration of millions of citizens.
Local governments have adapted to different types of shocks during the war, implementing unique programmes
and policies. Studying this experience is valuable for formulating a plan for the further development of
communities in the post-war period. The purpose of this paper is to develop a comprehensive strategy for
the post-war recovery and development of Ukrainian communities. The study used a range of methods of
cognition, including comparative, historical and genetic, structural and functional, legal analysis, forecasting,
statistical data analysis, and institutional. The results of the research are the disclosure of the genesis of the
powers of local self-government bodies in Ukraine, the identification of the advantages and disadvantages of
decentralization, the assessment of the current state of communities, the study of grant opportunities for
territories in war conditions, and the consideration of ways of interaction between business and territorial
communities. In addition, proposals have been formulated to improve the exercise of local self-government
powers by amending the legislation in the relevant area in the context of post-war reconstruction and the
principles of strategic planning for the development of territories have been described. The materials can
be used in research and applied fields: the work is of interest to researchers specializing in the study of
decentralization and sustainable development of territorial communities. La relevancia del tema de investigación planteado se debe a que la invasión a gran escala de Ucrania por parte de Rusia ha provocado la destrucción de asentamientos, infraestructuras críticas y la migración forzosa de millones de ciudadanos. Los gobiernos locales se han adaptado a diferentes tipos de conmociones durante la guerra, aplicando programas y políticas únicos. Estudiar esta experiencia es valioso para formular un plan de desarrollo ulterior de las comunidades en la posguerra. El objetivo de este documento es formular una estrategia para el desarrollo de las comunidades ucranianas después de la guerra. En el estudio se han utilizado diversos métodos de cognición, como el comparativo, el histórico y genético, el estructural y funcional, el análisis jurídico, la previsión, el análisis de datos estadísticos y el institucional. Los resultados de la investigación son la divulgación de la génesis de las competencias de los órganos de autogobierno local en Ucrania, la identificación de las ventajas e inconvenientes de la descentralización, la evaluación del estado actual de las comunidades, el estudio de las oportunidades de subvención para los territorios en condiciones de guerra y la consideración de las vías de interacción entre las empresas y las comunidades territoriales. Además, se han formulado propuestas para mejorar el ejercicio de las competencias de autogobierno local mediante la modificación de la legislación en la materia en el contexto de la reconstrucción de posguerra y se han descrito los principios de la planificación estratégica para el desarrollo de los territorios. Los materiales pueden utilizarse en la investigación y en campos aplicados: la obra es de interés para investigadores especializados en el estudio de la descentralización y el desarrollo sostenible de las comunidades territoriales. |
Descripción : | As a result of the decentralization reform launched in 2014, Ukrainian communities have been given additional powers and the ability to solve local problems using their own resources. The positive effects of the reform became apparent in the first years of its implementation. Russia’s military aggression, which caused serious damage to Ukraine, also triggered a number of significant changes in the local government sector. These include an increase in the effectiveness of interaction between the state authorities and the leadership of TCs. This resulted in the establishment of an effective mechanism of economic support for the army, the relocation of some enterprises from the areas where hostilities are taking place, and the evacuation of civilians. The authors provides evidence in favour of building a rigid centralized vertical of power, and, on the other hand, argues for the need to preserve the real independence of TCs in managing economic potential and human resources for their effective use. The experience gained by Ukrainian communities during the war demonstrates the advantage of self-organization of the population over centralized management. The principles that laid the foundation for decentralization in Ukraine should not only be preserved, but also developed further in the current war conditions. The authors argue that the post-war strategy for community development in Ukraine should focus on strengthening financial independence by expanding local taxation rights and access to credit from both state and commercial banks. The state should also create a targeted program to finance integrated community development projects, covering infrastructure, social and environmental initiatives. In addition, it is important to support small and medium-sized businesses through tax incentives, simplified registration and reporting, as well as grants and soft loans. It is also necessary to strengthen public participation in decision-making on post war reconstruction through the creation of advisory bodies, surveys and general meetings of residents. And it is extremely important to introduce a system of continuous training and professional development for local government personnel. The prospect of further research on this topic is a detailed consideration of the post-war development strategy on the example of individual regions and communities. In addition, this research paper can serve as a starting point for assessing the performance of local authorities before and after the decentralization reform. |
URI : | http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/46442 |
Copyright owner: | © Nataliia Shveda, Mariia Ziailyk , Liliana Dzhydzhora , Bohdana Oksentyuk , Lyubov Hats, 2024 |
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