Mesedez, erabili identifikatzaile hau item hau aipatzeko edo estekatzeko:
Titulua: Development of an algorithm for identification of damage types on the surface of sheet metal
Egilea: Palianytsia, Y
Lytvynenko, I
Menoub, A
Shymchuk, H
Dubchak, A
Affiliation: ТНТУ
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Palianytsia Y., I. Lytvynenko, A. Menoub, H. Shymchuk, A Dubchak. Development of an algorithm for identification of damage types on the surface of sheet metal. Proceedings of the The 2nd International Workshop on “Computer Information Technologies in Industry 4.0” (CITI 2024). CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Ternopil, Ukraine, June 12-14, 2024. P.84-96. ISSN 1613-0073 (Scopus)
Bibliographic description (International): Palianytsia Y., I. Lytvynenko, A. Menoub, H. Shymchuk, A Dubchak. Development of an algorithm for identification of damage types on the surface of sheet metal. Proceedings of the The 2nd International Workshop on “Computer Information Technologies in Industry 4.0” (CITI 2024). CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Ternopil, Ukraine, June 12-14, 2024. P.84-96. ISSN 1613-0073 (Scopus)
Gordailuaren-data: 12-Jun-2024
Date of entry: 21-Aug-2024
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: ТНТУ
ISSN: 1613-0073
URL for reference material:
Content type: Article
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