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タイトル: Effectiveness Application of the Analysis of Arterial Pulsations Registered during Blood Pressure Measurement Using the Oranta-AO Information System in Psychophysiology
著者: Vakulenko, Dmytro
Vakulenko, Liudmyla
Sas, Lesya
Hevko, Olena
Affiliation: I. Pulyu Ternopil National Technical University
I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ukraine
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Arterial Oscillography: New Capabilities of the Blood Pressure Monitor with the Oranta-AO Information System, Edited by D.V. Vakulenko, L.O. Vakulenko (eds.) – Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA., 2023. – 1100 p. Electronic Edition https://novapublishers.com/shop/arterial-oscillography-new-capabilities-of-the-blood-pressure-monitor-with-the-oranta-ao-information-system/
Bibliographic description (International): Arterial Oscillography: New Capabilities of the Blood Pressure Monitor with the Oranta-AO Information System, Edited by D.V. Vakulenko, L.O. Vakulenko – Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA., 2023. – 1100 p. Electronic Edition https://novapublishers.com/shop/arterial-oscillography-new-capabilities-of-the-blood-pressure-monitor-with-the-oranta-ao-information-system/
Journal/Collection: Arterial Oscillography: New Capabilities of the Blood Pressure Monitor with the Oranta-AO Information System
発行日: 20-5月-2024
Submitted date: 2023
Date of entry: 12-6月-2024
出版者: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA.
Country (code): US
Place of the edition/event: New York, Nova Science Publishers
キーワード: Medical Devices, Medicine & Health, Medicine and Health, New Developments in Medical Research, Newly Published Books, Nova Medicine and Health
arterial pressure measurement, psychophysiology, arterial oscillography, functional capabilities, heart, vessels, autonomic nervous system, Information system Oranta-AO
Page range: 419-430
抄録: Introduction: Post-traumatic stress disorders associated with the situation in Ukraine, rapid societal automation and informatization have demanded the development of new, accessible, and highly informative methods for diagnosis, monitoring, prediction, and patient state correction. To study the level of heart and brain rhythm activity at rest and their dynamics during adaptation to changing external conditions. Materials and Methods: A total of 720 individuals of both genders, various ages, and health statuses were examined using the arterial oscillography method. Arterial oscillograms (AOG) were recorded during the measurement of arterial pressure at rest and after the influence of different factors (physical, thermal, multimedia, etc.). AOG analysis was conducted using temporal and spectral methods developed by the authors of the study. Results: The research has shown that in cases of depressive disorders, there is an increase in the activity of the sympathetic-adrenal system, which is manifested by a disruption in the functional ability of all levels of hemodynamic regulation. Some changes in brain rhythm activity have been observed under the influence of various factors. Exposure to natural water sounds resulted in the suppression of sympathetic activity and activation of the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system, leading to improved cardiovascular functional capacity. Conclusions: The application of the proposed AOG analysis methods has allowed us to come to the following conclusions. Depressive disorders serve as a basis for the development of specific cardiovascular problems, and early detection of predispositions to these issues is crucial. The beneficial impact of the “Water” video composition can be used as a psychomodulating factor for restoring organismal homeostasis.
Content: Chapter 26. Effectiveness Application of the Analysis of Arterial Pulsations Registered during Blood Pressure Measurement Using the Oranta-AO Information System in Psychophysiology
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/45201
ISBN: 979-8-89113-539-0
URL for reference material: https://novapublishers.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Arterial-Oscillography-Ch26.pdf
References (Ukraine): Vakulenko D. V., Martseniuk V. P., Vakulenko L. O., Selskyy P. R., Kutakova O. V., Gevko O. V., Kadobnyj T. B. Cardiovascular system adaptability to exercise according to morphological, temporal, spectral and correlation analysis of oscillograms. Fam Med Prim Care Rev 21(3): 2019, 253–263. https://www.termedia.pl/Cardiovascular-system-adaptability-to-exercise-according-to-morphologicaltemporal-spectral-and-correlation-analysis-of-oscillograms,95,37867,0,1.html.
Vakulenko, D., Vakulenko, L. The Influence of Zhong Yuan Qigong Practices on the Adaptive Mechanisms of the Cardiovascular System. In: Eleanor H. Bennington (eds.) Research. Volume 24, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA. 2022; 47-61. https://novapublishers.com/shop/horizons-in-world-cardiovascular-research-volume-24/.
Vakulenko, D., Vakulenko, L., Zaspa, H. et al. Components of Oranta-AO software expert system for innovative application of blood pressure monitors. 2022; 9: 41–56 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40860-022-00191-4.
Vakulenko D., Vakulenko L., Gevko O. Interrelation of multimedia simulation of images of elements with the state of meridians and the quality of adaptation of the vascular hemodynamic factor based on the results of the analysis of arterial pulsations recorded during blood pressure measurement using the Oranta-AO information system In: D. V. Vakulenko, L. O. Vakulenko (eds.) Arterial oscillography: New capabilities of the blood pressure monitor with the Oranta-AO information system, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA. 2023; Chapter 36.
Vakulenko D., Vakulenko L., Gevko O.Prospect of creating a virtual reality system with feedback for the correction of the patient's psychological state based on the results of the analysis of arterial pulsations registered during blood pressure measurement using the Oranta-AO information system In: D. V. Vakulenko, L. O. Vakulenko (eds.) Arterial oscillography: New capabilities of the blood pressure monitor with the Oranta-AO information system, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA. 2023; Chapter 37.
Vakulenko D., Vakulenko L., Gevko O. Systematic and Analytical Substantiation of the Use of Multimedia Environment for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Various Diseases in Information system Oranta-AO In: D. V. Vakulenko, L. O. Vakulenko (eds.) Arterial oscillography: New capabilities of the blood pressure monitor with the Oranta-AO information system, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. USA. 2023; Chapter 38.
Content type: Monograph
出現コレクション:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри біотехнічних систем

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