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Título : Improving the financing mechanism for the development of local communities based on the use of digital technologies
Otros títulos : Improving the financing mechanism for the development of local communities based on the use of digital technologies
Autor : Радинський, Сергій
Ратинський, Вадим
Крупка, Андрій
Лободіна, Зоряна
Affiliation: Serghiy Radynskyy & Vadym Ratynskiy & Nataliia Diachenko & Valentyn Diachenko & Andrii Krupka & Zoryana Lobodina & Halyna Pohrishchuk & Nataliia Dobizha & Svitlana Shpylyk & Vladyslav Bendiuh,
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Fecha de publicación : 30-abr-2024
Submitted date: 30-abr-2024
Date of entry: 11-jun-2024
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
UDC: 336.1
Palabras clave : financing mechanism for the development of local communities, technical infrastructure of financing, digital technologies
Descripción : Serghiy Radynskyy & Vadym Ratynskiy & Nataliia Diachenko & Valentyn Diachenko & Andrii Krupka & Zoryana Lobodina & Halyna Pohrishchuk & Nataliia Dobizha & Svitlana Shpylyk & Vladyslav Bendiuh, 2024. "Improving the financing mechanism for the development of local communities based on the use of digital technologies," Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, PC TECHNOLOGY CENTER, vol. 2(13 (128)), pages 35-46, April.
URI : http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/45195
Aparece en las colecciones: Наукові публікації працівників кафедри економіки та фінансів

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