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Título: Methods and Means of Automatic Statistical Assessment of Information Measuring Systems
Authors: Dubynyak, Taras
Dmytrotsa, Lesia
Yavorska, Myroslava
Shostakivska, Nadia
Manziy, Oleksandra
Affiliation: Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Dubynyak, T., Dmytrotsa, L., Yavorska, M., Shostakivska, N., Manziy, O. Methods and Means of Automatic Statistical Assessment of Information Measuring Systems. 2023. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3628, pp. 450-461
Conference/Event: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Information Technologies: Theoretical and Applied Problems 2023
Data de edición: Nov-2023
Date of entry: 26-Mar-2024
Editor: CEUR (CEUR-WS.org)
Place of the edition/event: Ternopil, Ukraine, Opole, Poland
Palabras chave: мathematical support
information measuring syste
metrological analysis
measurement uncertainty
imprecise value
inadequate knowledge
subjective error
Resumo: The method of assessing the accuracy of information and measurement systems is considered, using the example of the system of the oil refining industry. In particular, indicators of temperature, pressure and product level sensors in the tank to optimize the process of transmitting information over significant distances. And formation based on measurement of certain conclusions and implementation of controlling influences on the object. A metrological analysis of the created information and measurement complex was carried out based on this concept of uncertainty. The obtained results were compared with the result of calculating the total error of the channel using the entropy coefficient
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/44658
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