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Autori: Trofimov, Ruslan
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Danylyshyn, V., Trofimov, R., Hratson, Y., Maliuha, B.-I., Kravets, I., & Yaryhin, P. (2024). ECONOMIC-LEGAL ASPECTS OF BUSINESS RESPONSIBILITY. International Scientific Journal “Internauka”. Series: “Economic Sciences,” 2(82). DOI: 10.25313/2520-2294-2024-2-9587
Journal/Collection: International Scientific Journal “Internauka”. Series: “Economic Sciences,” 2024, 2(82).
Data: 2024
Submitted date: 2024
Date of entry: 4-feb-2024
Country (code): UA
URI: https://www.inter-nauka.com/en/issues/economic2024/2/9587/
URL for reference material: https://www.inter-nauka.com/en/issues/economic2024/2/9587/
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