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Назва: Evaluation of the sources of conflicts and stresses at work in the organization (Dangote Limited Enterprise as a case-study)
Інші назви: Оцінювання джерел конфліктів і стресів діяльності в організації (на прикладі Dangote Limited Enterprise)
Автори: Теліма-Адолфус, Оранемі
Telima-Adophus, Oranemi
Приналежність: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Бібліографічний опис: Теліма-Адолфус О. Оцінювання джерел конфліктів і стресів діяльності в організації (на прикладі Dangote Limited Enterprise) : робота на здобуття кваліфікаційного ступеня бакалавра : за спец. 073 - менеджмент / Тернопіль: ТНТУ, 2024. 81 с.
Bibliographic description: Telima-Adophus O. Evaluation of the sources of conflicts and stresses at work in the organization (Dangote Limited Enterprise as a case-study): Bachelor's thesis on the speciality 073 "Management". Ternopil: TNTU. 2024. 81 p.
Дата публікації: 24-січ-2024
Дата подання: 23-січ-2024
Дата внесення: 30-січ-2024
Видавництво: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Країна (код): UA
Місце видання, проведення: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Науковий керівник: Сороківська, Олена Анатоліївна
Члени комітету: Шерстюк, Роман Петрович
УДК: 316.455
Теми: менеджмент
причини конфліктів
стрес на робочому місці
управління стресом
наслідки стресу та конфлікти
causes of conflicts
stress at workplace
stress management
consequences of stress and conflicts
Короткий огляд (реферат): Предметом дослідження є управління стресами та конфліктами на робочому місці Dangote Limited Enterprise. Об’єктом дослідження є процеси подолання стресу та управління ним у середовищі великої корпорації, вивчення впливу стресу на продуктивність організації. Мета роботи полягає в поглибленні розуміння причин стресу та конфлікту в багатонаціональній компанії Dangote Limited Enterprise, а також вивченні практичних аспектів управління стресом працівниками та менеджментом компанії. Методологія. У роботі використано кількісний та якісний аналіз, графічний і табличний методи, проведено прогнозування методом комісії. Практичне значення результатів дослідження полягає у розумінні справжньої природи та переваг конфлікту, які включають послаблення напруженості, що значною мірою сприяє стабільності та інтеграції працівників; можливість висловлення думок, які можуть бути враховані більш ефективно завдяки ефекту трансформації в різні зміни; і стимулювання творчості, оскільки міжгрупові конфлікти служать джерелом мотивації в прагненні до інновацій. The object of the research is process of overcoming stress and managing it in the environment of a large corporation, studying the impact of stress on the productivity of the organization. The subject of the investigation is managing of stresses and conflicts at the Dangote Limited Enterprise’s workplace. Aim of the work is to have a clear understanding of the causes of stress and conflict at a multinational company such as Dangote Limited Enterprise and how Stress by the employees as well as the company’s management are managed or handled. Methodology. Quantitative and qualitative analysis, graphical and tabular methods were used in the work, forecasting was carried out by the commission method. The practical significance of the research results is understanding the true nature and benefits of conflict, which include alleviating tensions, which greatly aids in the stability and integration of employees; allowing expression of opinions, which might be consumed more efficiently due to the transformation effect into various changes; and stimulating creativity, as inter-group conflicts serve as a source of motivation in the pursuit of innovation.
Опис: The Bachelor Thesis highlights the theoretical foundations of organizational stress and the causes of conflict situations; researched and analyzed conflicts and stresses in Dangote Limited Enterprise; developed ways to overcome stress and conflicts in the organization “Dangote Limited Enterprise”; a conflict management strategy is proposed; justified the feasibility of implementing conflict-induced costs and stress management in Dangote Limited Enterprise; applied organizational approaches to stress management; identified the role of management in resolving stress and conflict in Dangote Limited Enterprise. In the first chapter, we indicated the various causes of stress at work, such as career concerns, occupational demands, lack of participation in decision-making, etc. Managers have to respond to stressful situations promptly and develop appropriate directions for stress management. There are different sources of conflict in the organization. In the bachelor thesis, we investigated the role of conflict management is very important. It helps build good bonds among employees, eliminates negative consequences, and helps in providing a better personal life. The second chapter of the Bachelor Thesis is devoted to the study of the Dangote Limited Enterprise’s activities. The main causes of conflicts and stressful situations in the workplace of Dangote Limited Enterprise’s employees are the presence of different ethical groups and gender differences. In general, as evidenced by the data of the Global Gender Report, in most African enterprises there is a problem of excess of men in the processes of managerial functions performance. This trend is also at Dangote Limited Enterprise. As for ethical disagreements, certain stressful situations arise on religious grounds, as well as due to differences in traditions, culture, and temperament of individual employees. Therefore, the third chapter of the Bachelor Thesis was devoted to the development of suggestions for overcoming stress in the workplace of Dangote Limited Enterprise’s employees. First of all, we considered the possibility of implementing a conflict model. This model involves five main stages: competing, collaborating, accommodating, avoiding, and compromising. It is based on effective interaction between employees and the prevention of stressful situations. Considering the leading role of pieces of training in the fight against stressful situations, we suggest introducing the position of stress coach in the organizational structure of the Dangote Limited Enterprise. A stress coach, also known as a stress management coach or stress reduction coach, is a professional who helps individuals cope with and manage stress in their lives. In the management structure of Dangote Limited Enterprise the stress coach will be subordinate to the head of the department of psychological support. But in the future, a psychological support service and an anti-stress management department may be created within this company. Taking into account the specifics of Dangote Limited Enterprise's activities, we offer the following main directions for improving employees' fight against stress at the workplace: workplace culture and environment, managerial support, flexible work arrangements, feedback and continuous improvement, technology and work tools. To determine the main areas of stress management of employees of Dangote Limited Enterprise an expert study was conducted using the “commission” method. This approach includes finding a consensus among experts on promising directions for stress management. The forecasting results showed the following: the most priority areas of struggle of the workers of Dangote Limited Enterprise with stress experts determined improvement of workplace culture and environment and managerial support; the highest degree of consensus of experts' opinions was obtained when assessing the importance of improving the workplace culture and environment, and the lowest - when assessing technology and work tools; the fourth expert was the most active; the sixth expert turned out to be the most competent, who significantly influenced the choice of one of the priority directions for managing stress among employees of Dangote Limited Enterprise.
Зміст: Introduction. Chapter 1. Organizational stress and conflict resources. 1.1 Overview, purpose, focus, and origins of tension and conflict. 1.2 Common sources of conflict in organizations. 1.3 Definition of conflict and the main types of conflicts. Chapter 2. Research and analysis of conflicts and stress in Dangote Limited Enterprise. 2.1 Overview of the company. 2.2 Company’s products and primary brands. 2.3 Sustainable development of the company. 2.4 Analysis of external conflicts and threats in the organization's activities. 2.5 Investigation of types and consequences of conflict situations at the Dangote Limited Enterprise. Chapter 3. Ways of improving on stress and conflicts in the organization “Dangote Limited Enterprise”. 3.1 Conflict management strategies development. 3.2 Implementation of conflict-generated costs and stress management in Dangote Limited Enterprise. 3.3 Application of organizational approaches to stress management. 3.4 Approving the management role in stress and conflict resolution at Dangote Limited Enterprise. Chapter 4. Safety of life and labour protection. 4.1 The impact of human activity on the environment. 4.2 Labor Protection. 4.3 The influence of color on improving working conditions and increasing productivity. Conclusions. Bibliography.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/44235
Власник авторського права: "© Теліма-Адолфус Оранемі, 2024"
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Тип вмісту: Bachelor Thesis
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