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Title: Specialized Information System for Support of the Process of Recruiting Securities
Authors: Dubyniak, Taras
Manziy, Oleksandra
Gancarczyk, Tomasz
Senyk, Andriy
Futryk, Yurii
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Taras Dubyniak, Oleksandra Manziy, Tomasz Gancarczyk, Andriy Senyk and Yurii Futryk / Specialized Information System for Support of the Process of Recruiting Securities // CITI’2023: 1st International Workshop on Computer Information Technologies in Industry 4.0, June 14–16, 2023, Ternopil, Ukraine – P. 117-125.
Issue Date: 16-Ιου-2023
Submitted date: 16-Ιου-2023
Date of entry: 8-Νοε-2023
Publisher: ТНТУ ім. І. Пулюя
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: ТНТУ ім. І. Пулюя
Keywords: Information and communication technologies,
mathematical methods
data science
Page range: 117-125
Abstract: The development technologies and functional capabilities of the information system created by the authors aimed at decision-making support of the formation of a set of securities, which enables potential investors with little experience to assess independently the effectiveness of the investment portfolio by simulating the dynamics growth of assets available on the financial market are described. The proposed information system uses visualization methods that present available tabular information in the structured form of schemes, graphs, and charts. The web-oriented solution provides an opportunity to analyze and forecast portfolios in real time based on the available types of shares of various companies.
Description: 1. Introduction
Content: 1. Introduction 2. Analysis of available researches 3. Description of the created information system 4. Overview of the results of the information system operation 5. Conclusion 6. References
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/42710
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Content type: Article
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