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Başlık: Development of the computer network for the delivery agency Routes of the world
Diğer Başlıklar: Розробка комп'ютерної мережі для компанії Routes of the world
Yazarlar: Бабатунде, Сулаймон Адемола
Babatunde, Sulaimon Ademola
Affiliation: ТНТУ ім. І. Пулюя, Факультет комп’ютерно-інформаційних систем і програмної інженерії, Кафедра комп’ютерних наук, м. Тернопіль, Україна
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Бабатунде С.А. Розробка комп'ютерної мережі для компанії Routes of the world : кваліфікаційна робота бакалавра за спеціальністю 122 «Комп’ютерні науки» / С.А. Бабатунде – Тернопіль : ТНТУ, 2023. – 52 с.
Yayın Tarihi: 11-Tem-2023
Submitted date: 27-Haz-2023
Date of entry: 18-Tem-2023
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: ТНТУ ім. І.Пулюя, ФІС, м. Тернопіль, Україна
Supervisor: Золотий, Роман Захарійович
Committee members: Стадник, Наталія Богданівна
UDC: 004.7
Anahtar kelimeler: analyzer
corporate computer network
degenerated core
Özet: A functional diagram of a local computer network was developed. Distribution was created for IP addresses for all network components. The network complies with accepted international standards (ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A and ISO/IEC11801). A tree-like physical connections topology based on a 5e twisted pair category centered in the switching cabinet implemented has been. The project provides the necessary drawings and calculations, the specification of materials and equipment necessary for the construction of a local computing network. A network in work does not contain two levels. Its core is a Mikrotik RB2011UIAS-2Hnd-IN router with the RouterOS Level5 operating system, which provided the specified requirements for reliability, routing, protection, and the creation of encrypted tunnels between remote units. The routers configuration has been developed. A structural network diagram the and a plan for the location of its elements in the building have been developed in accordance with the requirements for the expansion of the network and the possibilities of its further improvement.
Content: INTRODUCTION 6 1 ANALYSIS OF THE DESIGN TASK 8 1.1 Basics of building corporate networks 8 1.2 Local networks building principles 9 1.3 Three-level network architecture and setting work tasks 14 2 DESIGNING A NETWORK WITH A DEGENERATE CORE 20 2.1 Information flows and enterprise structure 20 2.2 Enterprise topology network design 23 2.3 Development of a network logical model 28 3 COMPUTER NETWORK DEVELOPMENT 32 3.1 Calculations of the cable amount of and cable channel 32 3.2 The structure of a local computer network 35 3.3 The main units administrative network 37 3.4 Configuring hardware in a network with a degenerate core 42 4 LIFE SAFETY, BASICS OF LABOR PROTECTION 46 4.1 First aid for shock 46 4.2 Development, design of a room for psychological relief of employees 47 CONCLUSION 50 REFERENCES 51
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/42139
Copyright owner: © Сулаймон Адемола Бабатунде, 2023
References (Ukraine): 1. Olifer V.G., Olifer N.A. Computer networks. Principles, technologies, protocols. 4 ed. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. 944 p.
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Content type: Bachelor Thesis
Koleksiyonlarda Görünür:122 — Компʼютерні науки (бакалаври)

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