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Titel: The method of using fractal analysis for metastatic nodules diagnostics on computer tomographic images of lungs
Autor(en): Romaniv, S. V.
Palaniza, Yu. B.
Vakulenko, D. V.
Galaychuk, I. Y.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Romaniv, S.V., Palaniza, Y.B., Vakulenko, D.V., Galaychuk, I.Y. "The method of using fractal analysis for metastatic nodules diagnostics on computer tomographic images of lungs" Horizons in Cancer Research, March 30, 2023, v. 85, pp. 231–247. (Scopus)
Bibliographic description (International): Romaniv, S.V., Palaniza, Y.B., Vakulenko, D.V., Galaychuk, I.Y. "The method of using fractal analysis for metastatic nodules diagnostics on computer tomographic images of lungs" Horizons in Cancer Research, March 30, 2023, v. 85, pp. 231–247. (Scopus)
Erscheinungsdatum: 30-Mär-2023
Date of entry: 2-Jun-2023
Herausgeber: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York
ISBN: 979-8-88697-730-1
URL for reference material:
Content type: Article
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