Mesedez, erabili identifikatzaile hau item hau aipatzeko edo estekatzeko:
Titulua: Mathematical Model of EEG-signals at Psycho-emotional Influence
Egilea: Khvostivskyy, Mykola
Fuch, Olha
Khvostivska, Liliya
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Khvostivskyy M.O., Fuch O.V., Khvostivska L.V. Mathematical Model of EEG-signals at Psycho-emotional Influence // Science and Industry. Abstracts of the 34th International scientific and practical conference. Littera Verlag, Berlin. 2022. Pp. 167-171. ISBN 978-3-9110125-1-5
Gordailuaren-data: 1-Jun-2022
Submitted date: 2022
Date of entry: 2-Mar-2023
Country (code): DE
Place of the edition/event: Littera Verlag, Berlin
UDC: 159.942
Gako-hitzak: EEG signal
psychoemotional influence
mathematical model
Laburpena: The thesis presents the structure of the EEG signal of a person under psycho-emotional influence and substantiates his mathematical model for the development of methods, algorithms and software for its processing
Copyright owner: @ Khvostivskyy M.O., Fuch O.V., Khvostivska L.V.
References (Ukraine): 1. Bratsas C., Papadelis C., Konstantinidis E., Pappas C. Towards emotion aware computing: An integrated approach using multi-channel neurophysiological recordings and affective visual stimuli. IEEE Trans. Inf. Technol. Biomed. 2010. Vol. 14, No. 3. P. 589-597
2. Melnikova TS, Krasnov VN, Lapin IA, Andrushkevicius SI Daily dynamics of EEG characteristics in circular depressive disorders // Mental health. 2009. № 12. P. 43-47
3. Shpenkov O., Tukaev S., Zima I. Changes in brain activity in the gamma range when listening to rock music with low bass. Visn. KNU. T. Shevchenko. Biology. 2018. №1 (75). P. 27-32
Content type: Conference Abstract
Bildumetan azaltzen da:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри біотехнічних систем

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Mathematical Model of EEG-signals at Psycho-emotional Influence.pdfKhvostivskyy M.O., Fuch O.V., Khvostivska L.V. Mathematical Model of EEG-signals at Psycho-emotional Influence // Science and Industry. Abstracts of the 34th International scientific and practical conference. Littera Verlag, Berlin. 2022. Pp. 167-171. ISBN 978-3-9110125-1-51,05 MBAdobe PDFBistaratu/Ireki

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