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Título: Small and Medium Business of Ukraine in Crisis Phenomena
Authors: Markovych, Iryna
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Markovych I. Small and Medium Business of Ukraine in Crisis Phenomena. The VII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Science, trends and modern methods of solving problems», February 20 – 22, Lisbon, Portugal. 286 p URL: https://eu-conf.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/SCIENCE-TRENDS-AND-MODERN-METHODS-OF-SOLVING-PROBLEMS.pdf (P. 36)
Data de edición: Feb-2023
Submitted date: Feb-2023
Date of entry: 20-Feb-2023
Place of the edition/event: Lisbon, Portugal
Page range: 36
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/40742
Content type: Conference Abstract
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