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Title: Забезпечення надійності системи електропостачання науково-дослідного інституту
Other Titles: Ensuring the reliability of the power supply system of a research institute
Authors: Ніадо, Фелікс Джуніор Фелікс
Nyado, Felix Junior Felix
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Ніадо Фелікс Д. Ф. Забезпечення надійності системи електропостачання науково-дослідного інституту: кваліфікаційна робота бакалавра за спеціальністю "141 – електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка"/ Д. Ф. Ніадо Фелікс – Тернопіль: ТНТУ, 2022. – 70 с.
Issue Date: Jul-2022
Date of entry: 3-Jul-2022
Publisher: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя
Supervisor: Сисак, Іван Михайлович
Sysak, Ivan
UDC: 621.31
Keywords: електроенергія
силові системи
системи взаємозв'язку
power system
system interconnection
Number of pages: 70
Abstract: Проведено аналіз способів підвищення надійності системи електропостачання. Проведено аналіз споживачів електроенергії згідно надійності системи електропостачання, що дало змогу провести вибір числа та потужності трансформаторів. Проведено визначення розрахункового навантаження по цехах і в цілому по інституту, що склало 17 МВА. Обґрунтовано вибір компенсуючих пристроїв, з врахуванням яких повне розрахункове навантаження склало 14,6 МВА. Проведено вибір напруги лінії живлення 35 кВ і напруги розподільчих мереж 10 кВ. Побудовано картограму навантажень, що дало змогу визначити центр електричних навантажень інституту. Обґрунтовано вибір трансформаторів головної та центральної трансформаторній підстанціях, враховуючи встановлені компенсуючі пристрої. Складено три варіанти схем, що дало змогу забезпечити надійну систему електропостачання інституту. Проведено вибір перерізу проводів лінії живлення, вибір перерізу і марки кабельних ліній. Проведено розрахунок струмів короткого замикання, що дало змогу здійснити вибір апаратів та струмоведучих частин підстанції.
An analysis of ways to increase the reliability of the power supply system was carried out. An analysis of electricity consumers was carried out according to the reliability of the electricity supply system, which made it possible to select the number and power of transformers. The estimated load was determined for the workshops and for the institute as a whole, which amounted to 17 MVA. The choice of compensating devices is substantiated, taking into account the full design load was 14.6 MVA. The power line voltage of 35 kV and distribution network voltage of 10 kV were selected. A cartogram of loads was built, which made it possible to determine the center of electrical loads of the institute. The choice of transformers of the main and central transformer substations is justified, taking into account the installed compensating devices. Three variants of schemes were drawn up, which made it possible to ensure a reliable power supply system of the institute. Selection of the cross-section of power line wires, selection of cross-section and brand of cable lines. Calculation of short-circuit currents was carried out, which made it possible to select devices and current-carrying parts of the substation.
Description: The project of an electric distribution network for a reliable power supply system of a research institute is proposed in the thesis. The following results were obtained: An analysis of ways to increase the reliability of the power supply system was carried out; An analysis of electricity consumers was carried out according to the reliability of the electricity supply system, which made it possible to select the number and power of transformers; The estimated load was determined for the workshops and for the institute as a whole, which amounted to 17 MVA; The choice of compensating devices is substantiated, taking into account the full design load was 14.6 MVA; The power line voltage of 35 kV and distribution network voltage of 10 kV were selected; A cartogram of loads was built, which made it possible to determine the center of electrical loads of the institute; The choice of transformers of the main and central transformer substations is justified, taking into account the installed compensating devices;
Content: INTRODUCTION 6 1 ANALYTICAL 7 1.1 Types of system outages and deficits 8 1.2 Introduction to power system reliability evaluation 9 1.2.1 Availability (AV) and forced outage rate (FOR) 9 1.2.2 Capacity model 11 1.2.3 Load model 11 1.2.4 Loss of load expectation (LOLE) 12 1.2.5 Expected demand not supplied (ϵDNS) 13 1.2.6. Expected energy not supplied (ϵENS) 13 2 CALCULATION AND RESEARCH SECTION 14 2.1 Statement of electrical loads. Categories of consumers 14 2.2 Determination of the estimated loads on the shops and the enterprise as a whole 16 2.3 Determination of the estimated load on the enterprise as a whole, taking into account compensating devices and power losses in transformers 20 2.4 Choice of voltage of power lines and distribution networks 21 2.5 Map of loads and determination of the center of electrical loads 22 2.5.1 Load map 22 2.5.2 Determination of the conditional center of electrical loads 24 2.6 Number and power of central distribution substation transformers taking into account the capasitor installation 26 2.7 Choice of high voltage motors 30 2.8 Calculation of central distribution substation losses 32 2.9 Select the cross section of the power line wires 36 2.10 Choice of cross-section and brand of cable lines with voltage higher and up to 1 kV 36 3 PROJECT DESIGNING SECTION 45 3.1 Calculation of short circuit currents 45 3.2 Selection of devices and live parts 53 3.2.1 Selection and inspection of main step-down substation tires 53 3.2.2 Selection and testing of main and sectional switches 55 3.2.3 Selection and testing of high-voltage switches for protection of central distribution substation and induction motors 56 3.2.4 Choosing a transformer for your own needs 57 3.2.5 Selection and testing of a fuse to protect the transformer of own use 58 3.2.6 Selection and testing of voltage transformer 58 3.2.7 Selection of a fuse to protect the voltage transformer 59 3.2.8 Selection of nonlinear surge arrester 59 3.2.9 Selection and testing of current transformer 59 3.2.10 Selection and testing of load switches for protection of TS-10/0,4 59 3.2.11 Selection and testing of a fuse for central distribution substation 59 3.2.12 Selection of circuit breakers 59 3.2.13 Selection and testing of high-voltage switches for protection of power transformers 60 3.2.14 Selection and testing of disconnectors for 35 kV overhead lines 60 3.2.15 Selection of measuring instruments 60 3.3 Selection of schemes of the distribution network of the enterprise. Load distribution by power points TS-10 / 0.4 kV; DB-0.4 kV 60 3.3.1 Selection of schemes of the distribution network of the enterprise 60 3.3.2 Load distribution by power points TS-10 / 0.4 kV; DB-0.4 kV. 60 4 LABOUR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND SECURITY IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS 61 4.1 Electric shock Hazards in workplace 61 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 68 REFERENCES 69 APPLICATIONS 1 Applications А 2
Copyright owner: © Ніадо Фелікс Д. Ф., 2022
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Content type: Bachelor Thesis
Appears in Collections:141 — Електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка (бакалаври)

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