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Title: Features of Environmentalization of Agricultural Land Use
Authors: Koshkalda, Iryna
Panukhnyk, Olena
Sheludko, Kateryna
Hoptsii, Dmytro
Makieieva, Liudmyla
Affiliation: Head of the Department of Land Administration and Cadastre, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after Dokuchaiev, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Head of the Department of Economics and Finance, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine.
Department of Land Administration and Cadastre, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after Dokuchaiev, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Department of Land Administration and Cadastre, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after Dokuchaiev, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Department of Land-Use Planning, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after Dokuchaiev, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Koshkalda I., Panukhnyk O., Sheludko K., Hoptsii D., Makieieva L. Features of Environmentalization of Agricultural Land Use. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research. 2022. 33(1): Pp. 1-10.
Journal/Collection: International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research
Issue: Vol. 33, No. 1
Issue Date: Mar-2022
Submitted date: 21-Nov-2021
Date of entry: 27-Jun-2022
Publisher: IJIEPR
Keywords: Agricultural land use
Soil fertility
Start page: 1
End page: 10
Abstract: The article analyzes the ecological condition of the soil and identifies the main problems of the environmentalization of land use in Ukraine in the case of the Kharkiv region. Deterioration of the ecological condition of agricultural land, weakening of their erosion resistance, violation of the optimal structure of land, reduction of the content of humus and basic nutrients lead to a decrease in land productivity. In general, the current state of environmental safety of land is quite unsatisfactory, so it significantly reduces the quality and volume of agricultural production. The analysis of the situation and the forecast of the efficiency of soil fertility show that due to the sharp decrease in the application of organic and mineral fertilizers, insufficient implementation of forest reclamation, and anti-erosion measures, degradation processes have intensified in all areas. The problem with the balance of nutrients has become more acute, the acidity of the soil solution is increasing, the humus content is reducing, and the intensity of erosion processes has significantly increased. Thus, to ensure the formation of environmentally friendly agricultural land use, an important condition is the creation of a scientifically sound structure and optimization of the ratio of productive (arable land) and environmentally friendly (hayfields, pastures, wooded areas) land use.
Copyright owner: © Iran University of Science and Technology 2022
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