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Titel: Determination of the pattern of dust and air flow movement in vortex mechanism
Autor(en): Каспрук, Володимир Богданович
Балабан, Степан Миколайович
Ярош, Ярослав Миколайович
Volodymyr, Kaspruk
Stepan, Balaban
Yaroslav, Yarosh
Affiliation: Тернопільський національний технічний університет, вул. Руська, 56, м.Тернопіль, 46001 (UA)
Поліський національний університет, вул. Старий Брід, 7, м. Житомир, 10008 (UA)
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Kaspruk, V., Balaban, S., Yarosh, Y. (2022). Determination of the pattern of dust and air flow movement in vortex mechanism. Journal Environmental Problems, 7(2), 2022. pp. 97–102. DOI:
Bibliographic description (International): Kaspruk, V., Balaban, S., Yarosh, Y. (2022). Determination of the pattern of dust and air flow movement in vortex mechanism. Journal Environmental Problems, 7(2), 2022. pp. 97–102. DOI:
Conference/Event: 97
Journal/Collection: Journal Environmental Problems
Issue: 7(2)
Erscheinungsdatum: 7-Jun-2022
Submitted date: 19-Apr-2022
Date of entry: 18-Jun-2022
Herausgeber: Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Львів
Stichwörter: deduster
process of separation
hydraulic resistance
deduster efficiency
Number of pages: 6
Page range: 97-102
End page: 102
Zusammenfassung: The article deals with the study of the prospects for the use of mineral fertilizers encapsulated in PET for bioremediation. This increases efficiency, prevents environmental pollution from undigested plants with plant nutrients, and minimizes the number of application operations. In addition, it disposes of a significant portion of PET waste, the uncontrolled accumulation of which poses a threat to the environment. The basic technological schemes of preparation of a film-forming composition and encapsulation of fertilizers are offered. The kinetic parameters of the process of release of batteries of granulated ammonium nitrate encapsulated with a film based on modified PET are determined
Copyright owner: © Каспрук В. Б., Балабан С. М., Ярош Я. М., 2022
© Kaspruk V., Balaban S., Yarosh Y., 2022
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Content type: Article
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