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Tittel: Measuring device for photovoltaic modules electrical characteristics testing
Authors: Koval, Vadym
Orobchuk, Bogdan
Kuzemko, Nataliia
Lijin, Gao
Affiliation: Ternopil National Ivan Puluj Technical University, Rus’ka str. 56, 46001, Ternopil, Ukraine
Jinan Caigao Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., China
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Measuring device for photovoltaic modules electrical characteristics testing / Vadym Koval, Bogdan Orobchuk, Nataliia Kuzemko, Gao Lijin // ICAAEIT 2021, 15-17 December 2021. — Tern. : TNTU, Zhytomyr «Publishing house „Book-Druk“» LLC, 2021. — P. 14–19. — (Electrical engineering and power electronics).
Bibliographic description (International): Koval V., Orobchuk B., Kuzemko N., Lijin G. (2021) Measuring device for photovoltaic modules electrical characteristics testing. ICAAEIT 2021 (Tern., 15-17 December 2021), pp. 14-19.
Is part of: Proceedings of the International Conference „Advanced applied energy and information technologies 2021”, 2021
Utgivelsesdato: 15-des-2021
Date of entry: 28-des-2021
Forlag: TNTU, Zhytomyr «Publishing house „Book-Druk“» LLC
Place of the edition/event: Ternopil
Temporal Coverage: 15-17 December 2021
Emneord: Photovoltaic module
measuring device
radiation spectrum
Number of pages: 6
Page range: 14-19
Start page: 14
End page: 19
Abstrakt: There has been developed and produced a measuring device for measuring the electrical characteristics of photovoltaic modules. It has been experimentally tested. Its Volt-Ampere and Volt-Watt dependencies on its temperature and radiation spectrum have been collected. There have been made conclusions about device visible range spectrum radiation sensitivity and its effectiveness drop with temperature growth.
ISBN: 978-617-8079-60-4
Copyright owner: © Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ukraine, 2021
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Content type: Conference Abstract
Vises i samlingene:International conference „Advanced Applied Energy and Information Technologies 2021“, (ICAAEIT 2021)

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