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Título: Method of detecting radio signals with phase modulation in a mixture with noise
Authors: Dunets, Vasyl
Martsenyuk, Anatoly
Kamchatna-Stepanova, Kateryna
Andreichuk, Bohdan
Affiliation: Ternopil National Ivan Puluj Technical University, Rus’ka str. 56, 46001, Ternopil, Ukraine
National Technical University “Kharkiv Politechnic Institute”, 2 Kirpichova str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Method of detecting radio signals with phase modulation in a mixture with noise / Vasyl Dunets, Anatoly Martsenyuk, Kateryna Kamchatna-Stepanova, Bohdan Andreichuk // ICAAEIT 2021, 15-17 December 2021. — Tern. : TNTU, Zhytomyr «Publishing house „Book-Druk“» LLC, 2021. — P. 206–212. — (Mathematical modeling in power engineering and information technologies).
Bibliographic description (International): Dunets V., Martsenyuk A., Kamchatna-Stepanova K., Andreichuk B. (2021) Method of detecting radio signals with phase modulation in a mixture with noise. ICAAEIT 2021 (Tern., 15-17 December 2021), pp. 206-212.
Is part of: Proceedings of the International Conference „Advanced applied energy and information technologies 2021”, 2021
Data de edición: 15-Dec-2021
Date of entry: 28-Dec-2021
Editor: TNTU, Zhytomyr «Publishing house „Book-Druk“» LLC
Place of the edition/event: Ternopil
Temporal Coverage: 15-17 December 2021
Palabras chave: radio signals
phase modulation
radio systems
Number of pages: 7
Page range: 206-212
Start page: 206
End page: 212
Resumo: Using Matlab software, a process of computer simulation of the phase modulation and demodulation process with different values of carrier frequency and phase deviation over the test signal in the form of an additive mixture of two deterministic sinusoidal signals under the influence of white Gaussian noise of various power. A justified method of detecting radio signals in a mixture with noise allows to expand the capabilities of radio systems, and the developed computer simulation model of radio signal is suitable for testing data processing algorithms to monitor and evaluate the signal-to-noise ratio in radio systems.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/36950
ISBN: 978-617-8079-60-4
Copyright owner: © Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ukraine, 2021
References (International): 1. Svanidze, V.G., Sokolov, M.A. (2004). Potential noise immunity of reception using a two-count signal scheme with discrete single-sideband angular modulation. Problems of transport, 10, 192-198.
2. Svanidze V. G. (2004) Noise immunity of information transmission systems with single-sideband phase shift keying: Dis. Cand. tech. Sciences: 05.13.01: Saint Petersburg, 139 c.
3. Kravchyk B., Dunets V. (2019). Detection of radio signals in interference with interference. IMST, 54.
4. Hvostivska L. V., Dunetc V. L., Serputko A. P. (2016). Simulation modeling of signals for testing algorithm of radiosystems. Book of abstract the V International scientific and technical conference of young researchers and students "Current issues in modern technologies", 2, 123-124.
5. Khvostivsky M., Dediv L., Dunets V., Shadrina H. (2008). Electrocardiosignal simulation model based on the periodically correlated stochastic process. Bulletin of TNTU , 13, 201-205.
6. Dunetc V. L., Tsumbala T. I., Rakush R. V. (2016). Methods of optimal signal detection in the communication channel. Book of abstract the V International scientific and technical conference of young researchers and students "Current issues in modern technologies", 2. 37-38.
Content type: Conference Abstract
Aparece nas ColecciónsInternational conference „Advanced Applied Energy and Information Technologies 2021“, (ICAAEIT 2021)

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