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Заглавие: Mathematical modeling of high-frequency magamp switch B-H characteristic
Автори: Yaskiv, Anna
Smedley, Keyue
Abramovitz, Alexander
Yaskiv, Volodymyr
Kasatkina, Natalia
Affiliation: West Ukrainian National University, 11 Lvivska str., Ternopil, Ukraine
University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697-2625, USA
Holon Institute of Technology, 52 Golomb str., Holon 5810201, Israel
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, 56 Ruska str., Ternopil, Ukraine
National University of Food Technology, 68 Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, Ukraine
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Mathematical modeling of high-frequency magamp switch B-H characteristic / Anna Yaskiv, Keyue Smedley, Alexander Abramovitz, Volodymyr Yaskiv, Natalia Kasatkina // ICAAEIT 2021, 15-17 December 2021. — Tern. : TNTU, Zhytomyr «Publishing house „Book-Druk“» LLC, 2021. — P. 179–186. — (Mathematical modeling in power engineering and information technologies).
Bibliographic description (International): Yaskiv A., Smedley K., Abramovitz A., Yaskiv V., Kasatkina N. (2021) Mathematical modeling of high-frequency magamp switch B-H characteristic. ICAAEIT 2021 (Tern., 15-17 December 2021), pp. 179-186.
Is part of: Proceedings of the International Conference „Advanced applied energy and information technologies 2021”, 2021
Дата на Публикуване: 15-Дек-2021
Date of entry: 28-Дек-2021
Издател: TNTU, Zhytomyr «Publishing house „Book-Druk“» LLC
Place of the edition/event: Ternopil
Temporal Coverage: 15-17 December 2021
Ключови Думи: high-frequency MagAmp switch
B-H characteristic
magnetic hysteresis
mathematical model
computer simulation
Number of pages: 8
Page range: 179-186
Start page: 179
End page: 186
Резюме: The current paper features a problem of high-frequency MagAmp switch modeling for computer aided design programmes to enable MagAmp power converters design automation. A new mathematical model of MagAmp switch B-H characteristic is presented. An algorithm of its computer integration is described. Dependence of B-H characteristic on switching frequency is investigated for two configurations of MagAmp switches with cores of amorphous Co-based alloy with rectangular hysteresis loop. The simulation results are obtained, and maximum modeling error is calculated.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/36945
ISBN: 978-617-8079-60-4
Copyright owner: © Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ukraine, 2021
URL for reference material: https://archive.org/details/NASA_NTRS_Archive_19940009938/page/n145/mode/2up
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Content type: Conference Abstract
Показва се в Колекции:International conference „Advanced Applied Energy and Information Technologies 2021“, (ICAAEIT 2021)

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