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Título: The increasing of photovoltaic power supply system efficiency for the mobile unit of polymer waste processing into an alternative type of fuel
Authors: Martynyuk, Valeriy
Fedula, Mykola
Makaryshkin, Denys
Kałaczyński, Tomasz
Affiliation: Khmelnytskyi National University, Khmelnytsky, Ukraine, 11 Institutska street
UTP University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz, Poland, Al. Prof. S.Kaliskiego 7
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): The increasing of photovoltaic power supply system efficiency for the mobile unit of polymer waste processing into an alternative type of fuel / Valeriy Martynyuk, Mykola Fedula, Denys Makaryshkin, Tomasz Kałaczyński // ICAAEIT 2021, 15-17 December 2021. — Tern. : TNTU, Zhytomyr «Publishing house „Book-Druk“» LLC, 2021. — P. 53–58. — (Electrical engineering and power electronics).
Bibliographic description (International): Martynyuk V., Fedula M., Makaryshkin D., Kałaczyński T. (2021) The increasing of photovoltaic power supply system efficiency for the mobile unit of polymer waste processing into an alternative type of fuel. ICAAEIT 2021 (Tern., 15-17 December 2021), pp. 53-58.
Is part of: Proceedings of the International Conference „Advanced applied energy and information technologies 2021”, 2021
Data de edición: 15-Dec-2021
Date of entry: 28-Dec-2021
Editor: TNTU, Zhytomyr «Publishing house „Book-Druk“» LLC
Place of the edition/event: Ternopil
Temporal Coverage: 15-17 December 2021
Palabras chave: Photovoltaic power supply system
Mobile polymer waste processing unit
Alternative type of fuel
Rechargeable batteries
Supercapacitor batteries
Number of pages: 6
Page range: 53-58
Start page: 53
End page: 58
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/36926
ISBN: 978-617-8079-60-4
Copyright owner: © Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ukraine, 2021
URL for reference material: https://innovoucher.com.ua/portfolio-items/obolon-oil-and-its-poly-euro-diesel-made-of-waste/?lang=en
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Content type: Conference Abstract
Aparece nas ColecciónsInternational conference „Advanced Applied Energy and Information Technologies 2021“, (ICAAEIT 2021)

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