Empreu aquest identificador per citar o enllaçar aquest ítem: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/35692
Títol: Conceptual Model of Innovation-Economic Activity Improvement of Goods and Services Delivery Enterprises
Altres títols: Conceptual Model of Innovation-Economic Activity Improvement of Goods and Services Delivery Enterprises
Autor: Nataliy, Harmatiy
Iryna, Fedyshyn
Taniana, Matsievska
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): By leveraging the talents and know-how of its people, combined with industry leading technology, Indo-European Education Foundation (IEEF) helps universities throughout Poland, India and Europe, enhancing academia-industry interlink model of business cooperation, improving efficiencies, ensuring duties & responsibilities for companies and academic institutions, and improve their quality business models by providing an international platform of BRCDGV.
Bibliographic description (International): By leveraging the talents and know-how of its people, combined with industry leading technology, Indo-European Education Foundation (IEEF) helps universities throughout Poland, India and Europe, enhancing academia-industry interlink model of business cooperation, improving efficiencies, ensuring duties & responsibilities for companies and academic institutions, and improve their quality business models by providing an international platform of BRCDGV.
Data de publicació: d’o-2020
Date of entry: 2-de -2021
Editorial: Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village BRCDGV-2020
Place of the edition/event: Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village BRCDGV-2020
Page range: C.66-77
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/35692
ISBN: ISBN : 978-93-86864-56-7
Content type: Article
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