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Teitl: Development of Small Business on FabLab Platform
Teitlau Eraill: Rozwój małego biznesu na platformie FabLab
Awduron: Vitenko, Tetiana
Marynenko, Nataliia
Lazaryuk, Valeriy
Shanaida, Volodymyr
Hutsaylyuk, Volodymyr
Affiliation: Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ukraine
Helena Chodkowska University of Technology and Economics, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): T. Vitenko, N. Marynenko, V. Lazaryuk, V. Shanaida, V. Hutsaylyuk. Development of Small Business on FabLab Platform. Współczesne problemy zarządzania, bezpieczeństwa i nowoczesnej inżynierii / Uczelnia Techniczno-Handlowa im. H. Chodkowskiej w Warszawie ; pod redakcją Renaty Runiewicz, Iwony Przychockiej i Leonarda Milewskiego. Warszawa : Instytut Wydawniczy EuroPrawo, 2021. Pp. 651-665.
Bibliographic description (International): T. Vitenko, N. Marynenko, V. Lazaryuk, V. Shanaida, V. Hutsaylyuk. Development of Small Business on FabLab Platform. Współczesne problemy zarządzania, bezpieczeństwa i nowoczesnej inżynierii / Uczelnia Techniczno-Handlowa im. H. Chodkowskiej w Warszawie ; pod redakcją Renaty Runiewicz, Iwony Przychockiej i Leonarda Milewskiego. Warszawa : Instytut Wydawniczy EuroPrawo, 2021. Pp. 651-665.
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: Jan-2021
Date of entry: 22-Jun-2021
Cyhoeddwr: Instytut Wydawniczy EuroPrawo
Country (code): PL
Place of the edition/event: Uczelnia Techniczno-Handlowa im. H. Chodkowskiej w Warszawie
Allweddeiriau: Small business
Page range: 651-665
Crynodeb: Small business is characterized by a number of advantages while serving niche markets with products designed for a narrow target audience. Demand for such products fosters not only high prices setting up, but also ensures long-term partnership relations with buyers. However, high quality products or services require the use of expensive, up-to-date equipment which is not always available to small businesses. Fabrication laboratories (fablabs) became the original platforms for: rapid implementation of business ideas in the form of product prototypes, transferring knowledge about innovative “digital” technologies for industry, research and introduction of new equipment. These mini-factories are equipped not only with a set of advanced rapid prototyping equipment and software for the design of 2D and 3D models, but they also use modern project management techniques, approaches for finding perfect solution of product design, innovation marketing. Products’ adaptation on the basis of the fablab platform by introducing innovations required by the end-user aimed at improving the efficiency and competitiveness of small businesses is offered.
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Content type: Monograph
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