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Pealkiri: Basic Approaches in the Financial Management of Domestic Enterprises
Autor: Vynnyk, Tetiana
Konstantiuk, Nataliia
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Tetiana Vynnyk, Nataliia Konstantiuk. Basic Approaches in the Financial Management of Domestic Enterprises. Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village BRCDGV-2020: Monograph / Edited by Pradeep Kumar, Mahammad Sharif. India, Patna: Novelty & Co., Ashok Rajpath,. 446 p., pp.56-65.
Bibliographic description (International): Tetiana Vynnyk, Nataliia Konstantiuk. Basic Approaches in the Financial Management of Domestic Enterprises. Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village BRCDGV-2020: Monograph / Edited by Pradeep Kumar, Mahammad Sharif. India, Patna: Novelty & Co., Ashok Rajpath,. 446 p., pp.56-65.
Ilmumisaasta: nov-2020
Date of entry: 9-det-2020
Kirjastaja: Novelty & Co., Ashok Rajpath
Place of the edition/event: India, Patna: Novelty & Co., Ashok Rajpath
Content type: Monograph
Asub kollektsiooni(de)s:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри економіки та фінансів

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