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Titulua: Conceptualizing Functional Distribution of Authority to Regulation Social, Ecological, and Economic Development of Micro-Regions
Egilea: Panukhnyk, Olena
Affiliation: Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Панухник О. Концептуалізація функціонального розподілу повноважень щодо регулювання соціального, екологічного та економічного розвитку мікрорегіонів / О. Панухник // Матеріали форуму вищої техніки. Рецензована періодична спеціалізована наукова робота. - Швейцарія, Цюріх : ТОВ "Транс Тех Публікашнз," 2017. - Вип.22. - С. 77-86.
Bibliographic description (International): Panukhnyk O. Conceptualizing Functional Distribution of Authority to Regulation Social, Ecological, and Economic Development of Micro-Regions / O.Panukhnyk // Materialy Advanced Engineering Forum: Peer-reviewed periodical specialized scientific. – Switzerland, Zurich: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., 2017. – Vol. 22. – pp. 77-86.
Conference/Event: Advanced Engineering Forum
Issue: 22
Gordailuaren-data: 2017
Submitted date: 2017
Date of entry: 29-Nov-2020
Argitalpen: Trans Tech Publications Ltd.
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Switzerland , Zurich
Gako-hitzak: social
economic development of micro-region
functional distribution of authorities
functional and target structure of mechanism to regulation socia
Page range: 77 - 86
Copyright owner: © Panukhnyk O., 2017
References (International): 1. Public administration in Ukraine: Textbook, under the general editorship of V. B. Averianov. – K., 1999, 266.
2. The Constitution of Ukraine: approved 28.06.96 № 254/96-ВР / Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine // Bulletinof VRU. – 1996. – № 30, Pp.16-25.
3. “Encyclopedic Dictionary of State Administration”, (2010), compiled by Yu. P. Surmin, V.D. Bakumenko,A.M.Mykhnenko et al.; under the editorship of Yu. Kovbasiuk, V. P. Troshchinsky, Yu. P. Surmin. – K.: NAPA, 2010, 820 pp. – P. 417
4. State management of regional development of Ukraine: monograph (2010), [under the general editorship of Vorotin, V. Y., Zhalilo, Ya. A.]; Nat. Inst. of strategical research, K.: NISS, 288 pp.
5. Economic Encyclopedia (2002), 3 volumes; Volume 3 / Editor-in-chief Board S.V. Mocherny et al, K., Publishing Centre “Academy”, 952 pp.
6. Koretsky, M. Kh. (2002), State regulation of the agricultural sector in a market economy, K., Publishing House of UASM.
7.The concept of Administrative Reform in Ukraine. [E-resource] / Governmental portal – Mode of access:
8.The Concept of National Regional Policy: approved by Presidential Decree of Ukraine on May 25, 2001 № 341/2001[Electronic resource], The official website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine/ Mode of access:
Content type: Article
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