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Titel: Brand Loyalty as a Tool of Reduction the Negative Business Risks
Autor(en): Markovych, Iryna
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Markovych Iryna. Brand Loyalty as a Tool of Reduction the Negative Business Risks / Iryna Markovych // Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Formation of a Modern System of Enterprises, Organizations and Institutions’ Development: Collective Scientific Monograph (1st edition) Shneider B. (Ed.). Dallas , USA: Primedia eLaunch LLC, 2019, pp.22-28
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019
Date of entry: 11-Jan-2020
Country (code): US
Place of the edition/event: Dallas
Page range: 22-28
ISBN: 978-1-64669-378-8
Content type: Monograph
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри економіки та фінансів

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