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Título: Adhesion effect on environment process injection
Authors: Stadnyk, Igor
Piddubnuy, Volodymyr
Karpyk, Halyna
Kravchenko, Mykhail
Hidzhelitskyi, Volodymyr
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): 1. Igor Stadnyk Adhesion effect on environment process injection / Igor Stadnyk, Volodymyr Piddubnuy, Halyna Karpyk, Mykhail Kravchenko, Volodymyr, Hidzhelitskyi // Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences vol. 13, 2019, no. 1, p. 429-437 doi: https://doi.org/10.5219/1078
Journal/Collection: Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Issue: 1
Volume: vol. 13
Data de edición: Jun-2019
Date of entry: 6-Jun-2019
Editor: Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Place of the edition/event: Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Palabras chave: dough
Page range: 429-437
Start page: 429
End page: 437
Resumo: Тhe analytical analysis of roller impact on the medium and its behavior at deformation influences are carried out, ways of choosing an optimal variant of the process for providing the maximum or minimum value of parameters (criterion) are proposed. The physical essence of the equation of energy flows of the intensity of deformation of the mass of the medium, which depends on the method of applying mechanical forces, the degree of its previous dispersion (recipe) and its physical and mechanical properties, is considered. To reveal the essence and understanding of the general research execution, a number of hypotheses for the determination of adhesion are given and a generalized approach to the definition of adhesion is given. The proposed scheme of causal relationships between the medium and roll, divided into three groups, and determine the change in the process of injection dough. The nature of the maximum increase of the forces of interaction of the dough with the high contact of the roller working body in the injection nozzle of the fuming machine is established. Violation of these mutual relations leads to the production of low-quality products and a decrease in the efficiency of the machine. These phenomena are little studied today, and the nature of adhesion requires research. It is noted that the determination of deformation processes during the passage of the process of injection of the medium by roller working bodies plays an important role in calculating the design of molding, roll-over equipment. The deformation in the knot of the injection dough by rolls and the dependence of the work performed on the influence of adhesion on the flow process in the molding machine are revealed. The contact area of the adhesive and the component forming work for overcoming the adhesion and deformation of the environment in determining the criteria that influence the process, according to each particular period of the deformation stage, are substantiated. The obtained data provide an answer to a number of questions about the possibility of regulating the process of the work of agents on the environment
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/28256
ISSN: 1337-0960
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Content type: Article
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