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Titel: Mathematical model of bending vibrations of a horizontal feeder-mixer along the flow of grain mixture
Övriga titlar: Математична модель згинних коливань горизонтального завантажувача-змішувача вздовж потоку зернової суміші
Författare: Lyashuk, Oleh Leontiiovych
Sokil, Maria Bohdanivna
Klendiy, Volodymyr Mykolaiovych
Skyba, Olena Pavlivna
Tretiakov, Oleksandr Lvovych
Slobodian, Liubommyr Mykhailovych
Slobodian, natalia Oleksandrivna
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Lyashuk O.L., Sokil M.B., Klendiy V.M., Skyba O.P., Tretiakov O.L., Slobodian L.M., Slobodian N.O. Mathematical model of bending vibrations of a horizontal feeder-mixer along the flow of grain mixture // INMATEH: Agricultural engineering, vol.55, no.2, 2018, pp.35-44
Utgivningsdatum: 2018
Date of entry: 2-sep-2018
Place of the edition/event: Bucharest, Romania
Nyckelord: mathematical model
horizontal screw
bending vibrations
Page range: 35-44
Sammanfattning: During the grain mixture motion along the working body of the feeder, the transverse (bending) vibrations occur. To deduce a differential equation describing bending vibrations of the feeder-mixer horizontal screw, a physical model is developed; the distribution of forces acting on the element of the horizontal working body during the grain mixture movement is defined.
Copyright owner: © INMATEH: Agricultural engineering, 2018
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