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Titel: The course of lectures on discipline HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY
Övriga titlar: Курс лекцій "Історія філософії"
Författare: Chop, Tamara
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Chop T. The course of lectures on discipline «History of Philosophy», Part 1for students of Training Directions 6.060101 Construction, 6.050102 Computer engineering, 6.050502 Mechanical engineering, 6.030601 Management/ Chop T.. – Ternopil, 2018.- 50p
Bibliographic description (International): Chop T. The course of lectures on discipline «History of Philosophy», Part 1/ Chop T.. – Ternopil, 2018.- 50p
Utgivningsdatum: 2018
Submitted date: 2018
Date of entry: 25-jun-2018
Country (code): UA
UDC: 1(09)(477)(075.8)
Nyckelord: history
Page range: 50
Sammanfattning: The course «Philosophy» will enable students to: gain knowledge and understanding of Philosophy through, consideration of some important philosophical issues and approaches to problems; develop a rigorous approach, both critical and constructive, to the study of Philosophy and the nature of arguments; practise and enhance their abilities to construct, develop and maintain clear and coherent argument; acquire skills in comprehension, analysis and evaluation that facilitate the development of independent thinking, based on a critical examination of the rational argumentation.
Content: Сontents Introduction………………………………………………..2 Lecture 1 Introduction to Philosophy………………..……3 Lecture 2 Philosophy as Worldview………………………4 Lecture 3 Myth and archetype…………………………10 Lecture 4 Greek philosophy…………………….............13 Lecture 5 Hellenistic Philosophy………………………20 Lecture 5Medieval Philosophy…………………………22 Lecture 6 Philosophy of the Renaissance………………28 Lecture 7 The Age of Reason………………………….34 Lecture 8 Philosophy of the Age of Enlightenment……43 Lecture 9 Nonclassical philosophy. The beginning ……48
References (Ukraine): Recommender literature 1. Buckingham W. 2011, The philosophy book, London: eBook : Document : English : 1st American ed 2. Conference on The Role of Africana Philosophy in 21st Century Struggles: at Texas A&M, in 2016. 3. First published Mon Dec 29, 2014 4. The System of Categories in Philosophical Thought\\ 5. Intentionality in Ancient Philosophy 6. Kant, I., 2006, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, R.B. 7. Kuklick, B., 2008, Black Philosopher, White Academy, Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press 8. Nonclassical (modern) Philosophy // 9. Philosophy and Christian Theology// 10. Plato's Ethics and Politics in The Republic 11. Plato's Myths// 12. Probability in Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy//
Content type: Course of lectures
Samling:Наукові публікації кафедри українознавства і філософії

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