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Titel: Ukraine-India cooperation. Why Ukraine is considered to be an attractive educational platform for Indian students?
Autor(en): Kramar, Iryna
Affiliation: ТНТУ, доц. кафедри економіки та фінансів
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Iryna Kramar. Ukraine-India cooperation. Why Ukraine is considered to be an attractive educational platform for Indian students? // ASM’s International E-Journal on "Ongoing Research in Management & IT" 12th – 13th January, 2018. Human resource management, financial management & marketing management. India, Pune, 2018. - p.346-352
Bibliographic description (International): Iryna Kramar. Ukraine-India cooperation. Why Ukraine is considered to be an attractive educational platform for Indian students? // ASM’s International E-Journal on "Ongoing Research in Management & IT" 12th – 13th January, 2018. Human resource management, financial management & marketing management. India, Pune, 2018. - p.346-352
Conference/Event: International Conference on Ongoing Research in Management and IT
Volume: Human resource management, Financial management & marketing management
Erscheinungsdatum: Jan-2018
Date of entry: 7-Jun-2018
Herausgeber: ASM Group of Institutes, Pune, India
Place of the edition/event: Pune, India
Stichwörter: Ukraine-India relations
bilateral agreements
Page range: 346-352
Zusammenfassung: Ukraine and India are so different countries which at the same time have many things in common. Some of these similarities are determined in the paper. Moreover cooperation between Ukraine and India has become a relevant topic for discussion lately. In this contribution an attempt is made to clarify our understanding of the motives that lead these countries to cooperate in different sectors such as: economic, cultural, scientific, educational, technological. The goal of the paper is to determine the potential benefits achievable through cooperation between Ukraine and India, especially in educational sector. A significant attention is paid to the cooperation in educational area. Major advantages for Indian students of getting higher education in Ukraine are described.
ISSN: 2320-0065
URL for reference material:
Content type: Article
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