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ТипДата випускуДата внесенняНазваАвтор(и)
Conference Abstract2-тра-20183-лип-2018Methods of organizing the training process on mathematics, achieving the academic adaptation of foreign students at the universityВотякова, Марина; Votyakova, Marina
Conference Abstract2-тра-20183-лип-2018Teaches’ training experience of Germany: lessens for UkraineРокіцька, Наталія Володимирівна; Rokitska, Nataliya
Conference Abstract2-тра-20183-лип-2018Increasing the competitiveness of ukrainian universities in conditions of modern educational marketКругленко, Людмила; Поляковська, Ольга; Kruhlenko, Lyudmyla; Poliakovska, Olha
Conference Abstract2-тра-20183-лип-2018The role of exercises on mobile devices in learning russian as a foreign languageСорокіна, Маріанна; Sorokina, Marianna
Conference Abstract2-тра-20183-лип-2018“quality education” as a tool to ensure society sustainable developmentКрамар, Ірина Юріївна; Крамар, Галина Михайлівна; Мариненко, Наталія Юріївна; Kramar, Iryna; Kramar, Halyna; Marynenko, Natalia
Conference Abstract2-тра-20183-лип-2018Song as a method of learning ukrainian as a foreign languageЗахарків, Ірина; Zakharkiv, Iryna
Conference Abstract2-тра-20183-лип-2018The strategies of higher education internationalization in the context of providing the competitiveness of the national educational modelВербицька, Анна; Verbytska, Anna