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Tittel: Prerequisites and Prospects for Creation of Mutually Benefitial Trade Cooperation between Ukraine and India
Authors: Markovych, Iryna
Bazhanova, Nataliia
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Markovych Iryna. Prerequisites and Prospects for Creation of Mutually Benefitial Trade Cooperation between Ukraine and India / Iryna Markovych, Nataliia Bazhanova//ASM‟s International E-Journal on "Ongoing Research in Management & IT", ASM Group of Institutes, Pune, India, 2017 - pp.409-417
Utgivelsesdato: 2017
Date of entry: 14-mai-2018
Place of the edition/event: India
Abstrakt: The development of highly competitive environment in the field of international trade shifts focus of the importance of international agreements from microeconomic level of enterprises to a level of improved efficiency of both state and interstate institutions. As every few years traditional approaches to the formation of multilateral international cooperation experience their transformation, a conception of prospects of certain markets as well as consideration of the factor in the process of national strategy development is crucial. Today we can give evidence of continued reorganization of common practice of the world economic order established during the last decade aimed at the intensification of so called ―ascending‖ economies as well as a role of integration formations shaping them. On the one hand, openness of any economy is the indicator of its capability and intensity to take part in the international trade. On the other hand, trade terms as well as institutional support is the important component to analyze harmony of promotion tendencies and globalization ones. Thus, objective of the paper is economic analysis of prerequisites and features of international trade implementation between Ukraine and the basic available as well as future partners of ―ascending‖ (emerging) economies. For a start, one should understand what kind of economies is emerging and what the tendencies of their progress are, since bipolar structure of geo economic space has already been transformed into a system of multiple world where this very group of countries ranks highly. Those states become so called ―ascending poles‖ for which motivation mechanism of intensified participation in the world trade have become the priority.
ISSN: 2320-0065
Content type: Article
Vises i samlingene:Наукові публікації працівників кафедри економіки та фінансів

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