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Titulua: Criterion Damkohler as parameter defining mathematical description of non-stationary operating mode of CSTR
Egilea: Lucheyko, Igor Dmytrovych
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Lucheyko I.D. Criterion Damkohler as parameter defining mathematical description of non-stationary operating mode of CSTR // XX Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry. Vol. 3: Abstracts. – Yekaterinburg, 2016. – P. 298.
Conference/Event: XX Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry
Volume: Vol. 3. Physical chemistry of metallurgical processes; Topical problems of chemical industry, evaluation of technical risks; Chemical aspects of alternative energetics
Gordailuaren-data: 26-Sep-2016
Date of entry: 19-Mar-2018
Argitalpen: Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Country (code): RU
Place of the edition/event: Ekaterinburg
Page range: 298
Start page: 298
ISBN: 978-5-7691-2451-8
Content type: Conference Abstract
Bildumetan azaltzen da:Матеріали інших конференцій, семінарів, читань

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