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Tytuł: The course of lectures and practical cases on discipline “Strategic Management” for the 4th year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors).
Inne tytuły: Навчальний посібник з дисципліни "Стратегічний менеджмент"
Authors: Котовська, Ірина Василівна
Affiliation: ТНТУ ім. Івана Пулюя
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Kotovs’ka I. V. “Strategic Managemen" : course lectures and practical cases for the 4 th year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors) / I. V. Kotovs’ka. – Ternopil : TNTU, 2017. – 166 p.
Data wydania: 2017
Date of entry: 17-cze-2017
Kraj (kod): UA
Place edycja: Тернопіль, ФОП "Паляниця В.А."
UDC: 658(075)
Słowa kluczowe: Стратегічний менеджмент
стратегічне планування
імплементація стратегії
оцінка стратегії
етапи стратегічного управління
Abstract: The business world today is considerably different and more complex than it was in the previous years. Both the challenges and opportunities facing organizations of all sizes today are greater than ever. Organizations are required to continuously find better ways to compete in the rapidly changing global business environment. Survival and competition have become imperative for organizations in the current global scenario. In this context, the course develops the strategic thinking and decision making abilities of students, especially in relation to understanding the employability of various strategies in different situations. Strategic management is about running the total business enterprise. It seeks to understand the challenges and the environment in which the business operates, the direction the management intends to head, the strategic plans to for getting the enterprise moving in the intended direction and the tasks of implementing the chosen strategy successfully. This course aims to equip you with the core concepts, frameworks, and techniques of strategic management, which will allow you to understand what managers must do to make an organization – be it a for-profit or a non-profit one – to achieve superior performance.
Opis: Представлені основні концепції, підходи і моделі теорії стратегічного менеджменту, що широко застосовуються в практиці управління організаціями. Розглянуто методи вивчення причин, що вимагають від організацій зосередитися на розробці стратегії, способи планування стратегії, її варіанти, їх переваги і недоліки та методи їх оцінки. Детально розглянуто кожен із етапів впровадження, застосуваня та оцінки стратегії. У підручнику міститься велика кількість конкретних прикладів з практики стратегічного управління всесвітнь відомих корпоацій, що дозволяє осмислити сильні і слабкі сторони поведінки менеджерів, керуючих стратегічним процесом, запропонувати власне бачення перспектив розв'язання стратегічних проблем.
Basic concepts, approaches and models of strategic management theory which are widely used in management organizations were considered. Methods of planning strategy, its options, their benefits and drawbacks and methods of their evaluation were described. Considered in detail each of the stages of strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. The book contains a large number of specific examples from practice of strategic management of world-renowned corpoate that allows students to understand the strengths and weaknesses of behavior managers, strategic process to offer their own vision of solving strategic problems.
Content: COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES LECTURE 1 The Nature of Strategic Management LECTURE 2 The Business Vision and Mission LECTURE 3 The External Assessment LECTURE 4 The Internal Assessment LECTURE 5 The nature and types of business strategies LECTURE 6 The use of Michael Porter’s Five Generic Strategies in strategic management LECTURE 7 Strategic management in organizations of different types LECTURE 8 Strategy Analysis and Choice LECTURE 9 Implementing Strategies: Management and Operations Issues LECTURE 10 Strategy Review, Evaluation, and Control PART II Practical Cases PART III Coursework
Związane URL literatura:
Wykaz piśmiennictwa: 1.David, Fred R. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 13th edition Pearson Education Inc., 2011, 2. Thompson, Arthur A. Jr. And Strickland III, A.J. Strategic Management: Concepts, 11th Edition International Edition, McGraw Hill Book Co., 2001, 3. Carpenter, Mason Andrew and Sanders, William Gerard Strategic Management: A Dynamic Perspective, Pearson/Prentice Hall 2007, 4.Dess, Gregory, Lumpkin, Tom and Eisner, Alan Strategic Management Creating Competitive Advantages, 4th Edition, 2008, 5.Pearce, John and Robinson, Richard Strategic Management, 11th Edition, 2009, 6.Thompson, Arthur A Jr, Gamble, John E and Strickland A J III Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage, 17th Edition, 2010, 7.Walker, Gordon Modern Competitive Strategy, 3rd Edition, 2009, 8. Kotovs’ka I. (2015) Mission vs. vision: what’s the differences. Materials of the Fourth International Scientific Conference "Innovative aspects of resource-use" (Tern., 27 March 2015), pp. 19-20
References: 1.David, Fred R. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 13th edition Pearson Education Inc., 2011, 2. Thompson, Arthur A. Jr. And Strickland III, A.J. Strategic Management: Concepts, 11th Edition International Edition, McGraw Hill Book Co., 2001, 3. Carpenter, Mason Andrew and Sanders, William Gerard Strategic Management: A Dynamic Perspective, Pearson/Prentice Hall 2007, 4.Dess, Gregory, Lumpkin, Tom and Eisner, Alan Strategic Management Creating Competitive Advantages, 4th Edition, 2008, 5.Pearce, John and Robinson, Richard Strategic Management, 11th Edition, 2009, 6.Thompson, Arthur A Jr, Gamble, John E and Strickland A J III Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage, 17th Edition, 2010, 7.Walker, Gordon Modern Competitive Strategy, 3rd Edition, 2009, 8. Kotovs’ka I. (2015) Mission vs. vision: what’s the differences. Materials of the Fourth International Scientific Conference "Innovative aspects of resource-use" (Tern., 27 March 2015), pp. 19-20
Typ zawartości: Learning Object
Występuje w kolekcjach:Методичні матеріали кафедри менеджменту та адміністрування

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