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Título: The Methods of Change Point Detection and Statistical Estimating of Dynamic of the Noise Stochastic Signals Characteristics
Authors: Leschyshyn, Y.Z.
Nazarevych, O.B.
Shymchuk, G.V.
Revutskyi, E.A.
Shcherbak, L.M.
Affiliation: Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ukraine
National Aviation University, Ukraine
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Shcherbak L.M. The Methods of Change Point Detection and Statistical Estimating of Dynamic of the Noise Stochastic Signals Characteristics /Shcherbak L.M. Leschyshyn Y.Z., Nazarevych O.B., Shymchuk G.V., Revutskyi E.A./ THE SEVENTH WORLD CONGRESS “AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY” Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies September 19-21, NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITY.-Kyiv: NAU.-2016.- P. 1.11.43- 1.11.46
Conference/Event: THE SEVENTH WORLD CONGRESS “AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY” Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies September 19-21, NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITY
Data de edición: 21-Sep-2016
Date of entry: 16-Jun-2017
Editor: Kyiv: NAU
UDC: 621.391
Palabras chave: Methods of Change Point Detection
Change Point Detection
Number of pages: 1.11.43- 1.11.46
Resumo: General vector model of the noise stochastic signals with piece-stationary and pieceperiodic stochastic processes is presented. Using statistical estimation of the time change points of the indicated components on the well-known detection methods gives the opportunity to use powerful statistical analysis of the stationary and periodic stochastic processes.
URI: http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/21146
Copyright owner: Leschyshyn Y.Z.
References (Ukraine): Nazarevych O.B. Information technology for monitoring of city gas consumption. Thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences: 05.13.06 – Information Technology / O.B. Nazarevych – Ternopil, 2015. – 21p.
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Trifonov A.P. Detecting of the stochastic signals with the unknown parameters / A.P.Trifonov, E.P.Nechaev, V.I.Parfenov. – Voronezh : VSU, 1991. – 246p.
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References (International): General vector model of the noise stochastic signals with piece-stationary and pieceperiodic stochastic processes is presented. Using statistical estimation of the time change points of the indicated components on the well-known detection methods gives the opportunity to use powerful statistical analysis of the stationary and periodic stochastic processes.
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